Animatronics Part 3 ~ Stay Calm

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JE growled a bit and glared after Soviet, feeling in some way betrayed and definitely pissed off. Its so typically for Soviet to pull off something like that, but it isnt really helpful. Not at all! Being friendly to the Murder of them only will worsen everything, because they need to have their revenge. They have a right to do that and now with Soviet being all loovey doovey it only will become worse.

The cat animatronic growled louder and scratched the wall, his long claws leaving deep scratches. A horrifying screech sound filled the silent hallway, reflecting the emptiness and the rage inside of JE.

JE got ripped out of his thoughts as he heard a whimper. His ears perk up and his eyes turned to the source of the whimper. His claws retracted and the rage left him temporarily as he spotted FI. Their relationship is very special, atleast for him. Of course they all are a family, but FI and JE are closer together than them with Soviet and TR together. It was just something about their characters and how they are so good friends. TR is too agressive to be very very close and Soviet is more distant than any of them. JE of course never knew why Soviet turned out like that, but it had to be something very traumatic to turn him into this broken creature.

,,What made you so riled up kitty?" FI chuckles nervously and rubbed at his ears. JE couldnt help the small smile appearing on his face and he nudged the other. ,,Shut up bunny!" He laughed and FI did so too.

,,Shall we make the nightguards night a living nightmare?" He suggested with a smirk and JE smirked back, showing his sharp teeth.


JE knew he hated it here, hated that they have to live like that, but its bearable with FI.

Definitely bearable


Scotland was still confused and perplexed about what had happened. He didnt knew if it was a hallucination or if that had really happened. But giving of the lack of waking up or any other weird hallucinations things he highly doubted it. Still that didnt made it any less weird and scaring. He wasnt sure if they are just robots that have a malfunction or maybe more?....

No! He doubted that and he believed that.

He jumped as he heard a high screech noise. He quickly looked at his tablet and gulped at seeing JE and FI. He looked at the hallway and felt goosebumps appear across his kin.

,,~There's a shadow on the wall
Stay calm, stay calm
There's a figure in the hall
Stay calm, stay calm.~"

He took a few deep breaths and tried to keep his focuse. Just breath Scotland and think about your friends......just keep breathing.

He nearly screamed as he shut down the door in FIs face, feeling atleast satsified as he heard a painful scream. You deserved this! He huffed and felt already himself sweating and panicking

,,~Every hair is on it's end
That's fine, I'm fine
Feeling my adrenaline
That's fine, I'm fine~"

Oh it definitely is and he is wondering after everything that happened that his body still can produce adrenaline. He was probably so pumped with it, but it was the only thing keeping him focused, keeping him on alert about the power as he skipped through the cameras. He was panting, but that hardly mattered to him now as he just needed to survive.

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