special chapt : happy new year

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"Sian! Hiro!" A fairy-like figure called out with a tone of excitement as she opens the door.

"Madam! Please be careful!" Butler Mo said looking at the excited figure passing over him.

As Yeon opened the door, she found the sight of two youth cuddling each other, sleeping soundly.

The first one to open his eye due to his sensitive ear, or the sound of Yeon's excitement, is Hiroshi. His dark blue eyes opened sharply, but soften at the sight of the figure he's cuddling.

He yawned, as he gets up and saw the excited figure standing infront of the door holding a camera, "Auntie--?"

"You guys are so cute!" Yeon squealed at the sight before her, as her eyes is basically shining.

Because of the loud sound, Sian also woke up, yawning as he gets up, looking at the sight of his mother smiling confusingly.

"Since you guys already woke up! Tommorow is the new year! And ofcourse, to celebrate it, we're going to load fireworks, grill barbeque, and do stuff today!" Yeon said with a hint of excitement, as her eyes is basically shining.

Hiroshi only stayed quiet as he fell into deep thought, thinking back at the past when he used to spend new year at his room alone, dully, under the mock of those maids in the place he wouldn't even call home.

To be honest, Sian doesn't really care about these kind of things, new year doesn't really mean anything for him, only the people around him like Yeon, Jimin,Butler Mo, those maids, Hiroshi, and his cousin matters.

But thinking about the new year, he is just reminded again of the fact that this world might not be real, and the people around him too. He doesn't even know what is or how is the world he used to live in, or is the time same? He can't remember or think about anything.

Sian glanced at the kid beside him, thinking about things Hiroshi has gone through at new year, hugs him softly, as he clings onto the kid like a koala.

"Let's celebrate it together. The next year too, and years later on, together." Sian said quietly.

Being hugged suddenly by the boy beside him, Hiroshi felt his dark thoughts flew away one by one, until it's gone, and softly sighed "En. Let's do that."

You're always like this.

Doing these stuff that makes me unknowingly feel something else.

I don't know what is this feeling.

But it feels good,

It makes me wanna saviour every moment with you.


In the big mansion of the Ha family, precisely on the wide rooftop, there were the Ha family.

"Minju and Annie, you guys are staying over here today? Wouldn't your dad later be worried?" The husband of the fairylike figure is ofcourse the wife-slave Ha Jimin, said with a hint of worry.

"Don't worry uncle! He probably knows we're here since I don't just stay over anywhere, this house is like our second home!" Minju puts a thumbs up, his eye shining, as he wiped the snot coming out from his nose.

Right after he said that, a tiny red haired figure tickles his stomach while giggling, and pulls down his pants.

"Minju wears a girly underwear~"

"Annie! Stop it!" Minju grumbled as he tries the catch the running red haired girl.

"You look uglier now~!" Annie laughs as she saw the ashamed and angry boy chasing her. "Sian! Hiro! Help!" She gets behind the mentioned boys, as she pitifully said "My brother is bullying me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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