[46] captain save everyone.

Start from the beginning

"Wednesday, call Ragdoll."

Ragdoll had proven useful by saving the other coyotes from Cleopatra and Rainbow without the two women trying to stop her. It had left Wolf wondering why. When he asked Wednesday to hack Director Bea's devices and do a thorough digging regarding the girl, the AI returned with the wildest story ever about The Boogeymen and assassinations in the last millennia, all connected to Ragdoll.

To keep it short, Wolf was afraid of Ragdoll. Thankfully, he had her on his side and planned on keeping it that way for a long time.

"Hello," Ragdoll answered.

"I need you to come and take a friend of mine back to the spacecraft. Wednesday will give you her location."

"OK." The call ended.

Wolf turned to where the sound of gunshots and explosions came from. Even if there was no sound, he would have found Cleopatra by following the two mechas that were bigger than all the buildings in the area.

Saving Cleopatra would be tough. Aside from the hyenas and their mechas, there were mages with their elemental weapons and witches using mechanical limbs. If there was a time for someone to come out of the shadows and tell him he could defeat them, then it was now.

"Wednesday, activate the jet boots."

When they turned on, he ascended to the sky, clenching his right hand where the nano-ring was. Even without the nano-bugs, the ring's arsenal was second to none. It gave him hope he'd destroy the mechas, as they were his first target.

Nearing the battleground, he activated the nano-ring. A projected screen popped up, and he entered his password—thisisnotthepassword. He pressed the only file on the screen labeled "Weapons and Gadgets" and multiple smaller ones appeared.

Everything was the same as the prototype. "Wait." He stopped mid-air, levitating in the sky. "What's this?" In place of the Destroyer file—the one that had the nano-bugs—was an Armor file. "This is new."

Wolf opened it, and multiple power armors showed up on the screen. They ranged from ones used by The Council's guards, private militias, and hyenas. Not only that, but he could customize them with weapons and gadgets.

This was insane. Rainbow had outdone herself again. If any of the system's governments got ahold of such technology, there would be an all-out war for it.

Wolf smiled, realizing even without the nano-bugs, he owned the most powerful weapon in the system. He couldn't let anyone know about it. Otherwise, his life would be on the line. Gangstas like Skully wouldn't have a problem killing him if it meant they had something to drive their course forward.

What was their course? Anarchy.

He had no time to go through each armor and see which one suited him best. Picking an armor labeled "Scout", nanoparticles spewed out of the ring and covered his right hand, moving up his arm and spreading to his whole body once it reached his neck.

A black and white full-body spandex-like fabric covered his body, and a helmet with a one-way black visor sheathed his head. A HUD appeared on the visor, locking on all his targets and displaying their weak points and what weapon from the nano-ring could kill them.

"Wednesday, are you seeing this?"

"Yes. It's remarkable." It had been a while since the AI sounded shocked. She had been silent since Wolf found Rainbow with her lower half missing. What did she think about the whole thing? Did she know Rainbow could heal from such a severe injury? If yes, then why didn't she tell him? If not, then what was going through her binary mind?

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