Chapter 2 ^^pic of Ariel^^

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As Ariel and Jay finish there make out which by the way was gross to watch we all sat down on the couch and talked about what movie we should watch
"You know we should watch a scary movie" Ariel said in a soft creepy voice
"Fuck no" I yelled
I hate scary movies, I'm one of those people that say horror movies a stupid and never going to happen in really life but when I watch them I shit my pants,

"come on Abby don't be such a pussy" Ariel said with a playful punch on the arm

"fine but nothing to scary" I said with angry face

"lets watch Annabelle" Jay said

"Oh hell no" Ariel said

"I'm with Ariel on this one" I replied

"fine how about scream" jay said pulling out the DVD

"yeah I'm fine with that and Ariel can I grab your foot if it gets to scary" I said

"fine whatever let's just watch the movie" she said rolling her eyes as the
movie stared I was already scared god I'm such a pussy.

"What's your favorite scary movie" the man said in the phone

"Friday the 13th" the girl replied

"We'll you have to answer three questions or your boyfriend will die" he shouted into the phone

"WRONG" he shouted the the lights went of then her boyfriends guts were pulled out.

"AHHH WHAT THE FLYING FRICK!" I screamed almost breaking Ariel foot
wow it's like only 20 minutes in and I have already crap myself

"OW HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU WHORE!" Ariel screams as my grip loosens around her foot smiling sheepishly.

"no more foot for you bitch" she says kicking me as she curls up next to Jay.

It was almost the end of the movie and jay got up to go to the toilet he's already seen the movie so he keep it playing, it was up to the part when that nerdy guy was watching the horror movie alone and scream was behind him
"better watch out the murderer is behind you" the guy in scream said while he was watching some movie ( haha omg that probably didn't make sense)
"Behind you" he shouts

"BEHIND YOU" me and Ariel shout

"Behind you" a voice says behind us

"AHH SHIT FUCK YOU" I said Falling of the couch


Jay collapsed to the ground laughing his ass of. Ariel runs up to him jumping on him yelling stacks on, I run up piling on top of them


"You know I fucking hate you" I said

"haha you love it" she said grinning

"Jay I swear if you pull a prank like that I will seriously slit your throat open" Ariel pointed a finger warning him

"Awww im sworry!" he runs up to her giving her a bear hug smothering her in kisses.

"Ok I don't want to watch this anymore let's have a party" I said walking to the docking station putting my phone in.

"What song?" I said looking at all the songs on my phone

"I don't know put something good on" Ariel replied

Oh single ladies oh single ladies oh
the single ladies now put your hands up

Then we all did that head movement thing that she does and hand action full on attempting the dance running around the room
"beyoncè is QUEEN" jay shouts

"no im the QUEEN" I replied

"Jay im questioning you sexuality right now" Ariel says laughing

"LETS DO AN ALLNIGHTERR!" I scream running around

That's when the real fun started. The rest of the night we just sitting around bitching, watching movies, fangirling over Harry Styles as Jay scowls at us.

"Serves you right for pranking us" Ariel gives him some of her sass.

Seriously best night ever!!! Thankyou Beyonce!

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