If they were in Mafia-I.(Imagine series.)

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Hey guys , I"ve decided that I would run a short series in this book like there will two for now, one is the Sister imagine and the other is this one , Lately I've been obessed with Mafia Fics and wanted to write some . I hope you like it . Please comment and Vote! I love and appericiate you all very much ! By the way Y/N = Your Name and P.O.V. = point of view , for those who dont know. :)
Y/N. P.O.V.

I was walking per usual in the corridor of my school , with two young women by my sides ,both dressed in black head to toe.

The students parted to give way for me to reach the cafeteria . I reached my usual table , sat down and waited for my bestfriends Sanvi and Anna.

We all were in different classes at the fourth period today . I didnt have many friends , most people were scared to talk to me due my bodygaurds but those two werent.

Sanvi was my cousin, her mother is Indian and wanted to preserve her heritage so she gave her only daughter an Indian name.

It was sweet and easy to pronounce and on top of that Sanvi liked being unique and didnt have any objections with it.

Anna on the other hand was a fiesty little thing ..well I wont say 'little thing ' She was taller than me and Sanvi and majority of the student body.

She was very sweet and Charming and never fought with anyone, she had a very friendly and bubbly personality.

Which was the cause of our friendship , we both landed ourselves in detention one day and we talked , I hadnt talked to anyone apart from Sanvi in this school and the way Anna talked intriuged me and here we are 3 years of unbreakable friendship.

Anyways, I was waiting for both of them so played on my phone soon enough four people approached my table . Sanvi and Anna sat down while Sanvi's Bodygaurds stood behind her like mine were standing on the either side of me.My body gaurds gave a curt nod to Sanvi's and they did the same.

"Took you long enough" I huffed and rolled ,my eyes.

"Sorry Cuz, got held back .Mr.kang wanted the 'full explaination' " Sanvi said air quoting .

"I forgot my lunch box in the locker, now you wouldnt like that . would you?' Anna said Grinning.

"Ofcourse not!" I squealed.

Anna was the best cook in the whole world , once she brought a home cooked meal and Me and Sanvi went head over heels for her cooking.

We begged her to bring more the next day and you know how we get addicted to something? It's just like that.

Since that day she brings a lunch box everyday for all three of us.Me and Sanvi told her it was not neccesary but she insisted and frankly we are very greedy for her food.

She carefully placed the three storey tiffin in the middle and opened it , today was Gimbibab with kimchi fried rice and Tteokbokki. Our mouth watered at the sight.

"What are you looking at kids? Dig in!" Anna said like she was our Mom.

"Thanks for the food!" we yelled and ate like a herd of Dwaechis (Pigs).

We were still eating when one of my body gaurds said "Miss, we need to hurry out of here right now !"

"I looked at her and nodded , it must have been an emergency.

"Pack the box " Sanvi ordered her body gaurd who packed it in a blink of eye. the three of us stood up and huddled together.The body gaurds sheiled us from all sides and took us to my Limo in the parking lot.

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