1:1- Confused

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1515 words

Crimson and Clover-
Tommy James and the Shondells

I tilted my head upwards and my hair brushed against my shoulders. The silky strands were red, as vibrant as blood. Yes, my hair is red. So red that it appeared unnatural. But I assure you the pigment of my hair was that same bright crimson in the womb.

My eyes narrowed down at the girl. She seemed to be around the same age as me. Stunning, she perfectly fit into everything I could ever desire. Long black hair twisted and curled down her spine, down to her wide hips. Fair skin with light brown eyes.

My legs went wide as I slouched a little, and my lower back ached. "She's not the one." My hand dismissed her languidly. What a shame, her pretty face seemed to wilt like a flower as she was escorted back through the heavy red curtains.

Everyone always said I would feel some supernatural sort of thing when I would look at my soulmate. I've heard countless stories of this powerful and overwhelming feeling. An emotion or bodily function nobody could begin to describe. But it hasn't happened. I can't seem to find them. I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't have to search if I wasn't cursed. This curse had me taken from my parents and gave me a life I never asked for. It's a blessing, but a curse. This curse is the reason why I'm royalty. Because they say people who are like me have pure blood, and our bodies and souls are sovereign and are blessed with strength and intelligence.


Royals are known as the leaders of our society as a whole. Unsurpassable wisdom and vigor emotionally, physically, and mentally are the effects of this curse. Along with the most striking indication, bright red hair. Doesn't seem to be much of a curse in plain sight, but these individuals are put in line for the throne. And they're immediately given the highest positions the world could offer, and the title of a royal. Royals rule this global monarchy.

Overall, they're vastly superior to even the most capable human. But there are setbacks. Each royal has a soulmate. When they find their soulmate, they go through the 3 stages. These stages are triggered by mutated pheromones, the origin of these is unknown. However, we do know that they have similarities to androstenol, copulin, androstadienone, or estratetraenol.

The first stage occurs immediately when they see their soulmate, and they begin to feel strange sensations that are usually extremely overwhelming. Even to the point where they could lose their life. Triggered by signaler pheromones.

The second stage is when the royal's emotions start to calm, but they start to grow obsessive and protective, but that depends. It's best that the royal stay near their partner at all times. Primer pheromones cause this reaction.

When the royal enters the third and final stage, they start to grow impulsive and hysterical. Records show they have symptoms of a very profound bipolar disorder and aggressiveness. Specifically sexual. Sometimes it can get too out of hand, and the royal has to be quarantined. This physical response is due to releaser pheromones.

After these 3 stages, it's completely random what happens to the royal. It's either they calm down entirely or they can finally settle down. Or they are still driven and controlled by their hormones, and nobody knows how long that could last.


That's why I was there, sitting on an unusually large throne surrounded by guards. If I listened hard enough, I could hear the loud pulsing rhythm of the music. I wondered if Hongjoong was out there dancing. I hoped and wished he was. I could imagine the bright festival. All patterns, vendors, music, and rhythms from all cultures that everyone could find comfort and familiarity in. Understanding and flexibility are the theme and heart of my world, the world that I love and lead.

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