2:16- I Love You

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"Mingi, I love you

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"Mingi, I love you."

He pulled on the bandage a little too tight, his eyes darted from mine to across the room and back down again. I could hear a cough from the other side of the room, most likely from Hongjoong. "Uhm-"

I laughed heartily at his cute response, my eyes closed. "You're so cute! You should stay here and work for me. I can give you anything you'd like- you can live here, and I could give you a space to practice your medicine." His eyes widened, he opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off, "I know you're still finishing up your schooling, so you don't have to come right away. Just know, I'll always welcome you if you ever want to."

His cheeks tensed, as if he held back a smile. "It's an honor to receive such an offer from you, I will gladly accept. I will first complete my education, there is much I need to work on. But I'll definitely come back, thank you." He bowed his head, looking into my eyes before wrapping the sterile cloth around me again.

I hummed happily, smiling down at him as he finished up. "Alright, well looks like I'm done. I'll head back to my quarters now. If you need anything, please call me." I nodded, and he bowed and left.

I looked around, two solemn faces stared at the floor. Seonghwa seemed conflicted, which of course played and messed with my mind. It worried me, so badly. With the way his irises and the pupils they held wavered timidly, it was so unlike him. It hurt worse than the gash on my leg, to see him like that. It was only worse that I didn't know why.

Warmth pressed on my shoulder, I looked to my right to see Hongjoong. I smiled, he only looked away. "I have something to tell you."

"Yes? Is everything okay?" I put my hand on his back, leaning closer into that familiar warmth he created.

He sighed, taking in a deep breath after. "I don't want to get us in trouble, but I have to tell you." I couldn't hide my concern any longer, my facade cracked, "back when we were little, and I had slept with you that night? When Alyss attempted to kill you."

I nodded, urging him on. "That night, before she left she uhm.. she threatened me. She told me that if I told anyone about what happened, she'd hurt me." His eyes held nervousness, not fear.

"What?" I questioned him breathlessly, my body trembled. She could hurt me, she has. But how dare she even think of hurting him? He's my family, and my friend. If he'd get hurt, I would be hurt. If he died, I would die. I could see red, it clouded my vision and tangled my heartstrings. Seonghwa stirred from across the room, yet I didn't notice. "I want a meeting with the elders."

I could hear his breath stutter, he placed a hand on my face. "Are you sure?" I nodded, moving my hand from his back to my cheek. "Alright, well, I have to make preparations right away." He spoke softly, our hands intertwined as they fell from my face. "If you change your mind, or need to talk things through, I'll be there. M'kay?"

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