2:21- Prescient

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I rubbed my eyes, awoken by a knocking noise

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I rubbed my eyes, awoken by a knocking noise. "Breakfast is ready!" Wooyoung screeched, I could hear his footsteps pad away. My head pounded, my eyes sore. I could taste my morning breath.

"He's loud isn't he." I glanced at him, he didn't seem like he got good sleep. I know I didn't.

"Very, help me up." I closed my eyes and stuck my arms out while opening and closing my hands. He climbed up and groaned as he pulled me out of bed.

"Good morning lovebirds-"

"Shut up, nobody says that." I scoffed and chugged down a cup of orange juice. After hours of talking to Wooyoung last night, our sibling relationship became more and more apparent. Que the arguing.

"Who shoved a stick up your a-"

"Wooyoung!" My mom slapped his arm, I smiled. I still felt a little out of the loop, but every second that went by I felt more and more like family. I opened my eyes, it was already nine so the sun was clear and out. I was seated on a stool by the island, Seonghwa seated next to me. He chuckled at us, I was glad he seemed comfortable.

I looked around for my Dad, and I wish I hadn't seen the atrocity. "Dad, what are you doing?" I tried not to gag in disgust.

He faced me, completely unbothered. "I'm just drinking milk?"

"Why? That's gross.."

"If you chug your orange juice I can drink my milk, thank you very much."

"What's wrong with chugging juice?"

"You have to savor it, there's no point unless you savor it." He puckered his lips out and moved his hands dramatically. I wanted to laugh but I was too offended and appalled.

"You guys are weird, do you two like chorizo?" My mom interrupted our little dispute. I could see her wavy hair extensions pop out from her straight hair, I thought it looked funny, but cute.

"Of course I do, I could recognize the smell. Y/n makes it every other day." They all seemed impressed, my mother's bunny teeth showed as she smiled, which I sadly didn't inherit.

"As she should, one less thing I'll have to teach you about cooking." Her eyes squinted, her smile tightening as it grew.

I admired them, both of my parents. It amazed me, the thought of them. So having them in front of me as real people really astonished me, I couldn't comprehend. "Mhm.. So, uh, why'd you two move to Korea?"

My dad set down two plates I'm front of us, filled with food. "To be near you of course. You wouldn't be able to get on a plane without being caught, and we knew the chances of seeing you again were highest here. It's for both of you, to meet and find the two of you." I couldn't hide the joy, and he gave me a grin. Same pointy corners as mine. "Anyways, I'm sorry we didn't get to talk a lot yesterday," Seonghwa shook his head while saying a quick 'it's okay', "so where are you from?"

I started zoning out after that, only focusing when Wooyoung sat next to me and when my mom offered me more food. My Mom's a professor in architecture, and my Dad's a kindergarten teacher. I thought it was cute how they matched like that. I was glad I was getting to know them, after all these years. After I absent-mindedly rolled up a corn tortilla and took a bite I focused on the conversation a bit more.


"OH MY FUCKING- WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed in exasperation, falling back on his bed and covering my face.

"At least now I know I'm not the only loud one," I split my fingers and glared up at him, he giggled in response, "did you like it, oh you're starting another one?" I already sat back up, and staring at the screen with gleaming eyes. My hands started vigorously manhandling the red controller.

My parents wanted to talk to Seonghwa for a bit, so I went off with Wooyoung. He said he wanted to show me something. I started to feel nervous about Seonghwa talking to them, I hoped it would go well. But then Wooyoung showed me the most intriguing device I had ever beheld. A video game. After I started playing, everything else became irrelevant.

"You're pretty good at it already." A corner of my mouth rose at that. He breathed out and leaned against a big plushie, his head turned upwards since his black-golden locks were smashed against the wall. He peered at me, pondering something, yet I payed no mind. "Your hair really is bright red." I hummed in response and cut myself off with a curse word, directed towards the game of course.

"Do you have any idea how the curse was created?"

"You mean royalty?"


"No, I'm not sure if it's known. All we know are the symptoms of the curse."

"Which are?"

"Stages, oh shoot-" I paused, distracted by the game before continuing, "Knowledge, mostly because of our extremely good memory. Red hair, then the three stages. You know about those right?"

"Yeah, which one are you in again?"


"Oh. Must be weird having all those complicated feelings all the time."

"Yeah, I feel guilty and crazy a lot, so. But Wooyoung, can you elaborate on what a video game is?" He perked up at my question and let out a laid back 'oh'.

"This kind is really new, the only ones before this were handheld."


"I mean like, on a small little screen that you can play with in your hands."

"Ah, Wooyoung, why can't I buy this?" I tried over and over again, but it wouldn't go through.

"You buy that with real money."

"Hey, I brought a bunch of money. Why not spend it all?" I looked back at him, I smiled slyly. He returned with a smirk, which I personally thought was cheesy.

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