'Why don't you take s break, Brett,' Dean said to him.

'Sure boss,' said Brett and got down.

Ocean was left alone behind the bar with Dean. He liked him, but obviously it hadn't been the same since Sam left. They'd had such a good time working together. He had more of a professional relationship with Dean, but they got on well.

'Do you enjoy your job?' Dean asked him out of nowhere.

'Sure,' said Ocean. He figured that was what he was expected to say. He didn't dislike his job. He enjoyed it in fact, but he was getting to the point in his life when he didn't want to dance on bars anymore.

'Okay,' said Dean.

'Why do you ask?'

'It's just you seem to be taking more shifts behind the bar when they become available and less time dancing.'

'Its not that I don't enjoy it. I just see how much Brett and Kai love it. If it means giving them more shifts doing that, then I'm happy to keep my clothes on for a while and let the younger ones do it instead. Plus if I work the bar, it means hiring less temp or part time staff.'

'That's exactly the kind of thing I expected you to say. You see what's good for the bar and the staff.'


Ocean was confused about what Dean was trying to say. Was he trying to flatter him so it wouldn't be such a big blow when he sacked him? With Stuart no longer around, he was the oldest out of the dancers. Was he the new Stuart?

'You probably wonder why I'm saying this,' said Dean.

'Kind of,' said Ocean.

'Can I tell you something?'


'It's not public knowledge yet, so don't say anything to the other boys.'


'I've handed my notice in this weekend.'

Ocean was shocked. That was the last thing he'd expected Dean to say.

'Right,' said Ocean, 'everything okay.'

'Yeah,' said Dean. 'I've been thinking about moving back north for a while from where I grew up. My parents aren't getting any younger and I want to be closer to my family. I only came here for uni. I never planned on stopping this long.'

'Nobody ever does. This place has a way of drawing you in and keeping you here.'

'Indeed it does. Anyway, I've been offered a job managing a bar back home and I've accepted the offer.'

'That's great news. Congratulations.'


'So that does mean the place will need a new manager.'

Great, Ocean thought. Every time someone new started the job, they always tried to put their stamp on it by changing everything around.

'I think you'd be perfect for the job,' said Dean. 'I'd be happy to reccomend you if you wanted to apply.'

'Me?' said Ocean.

'Why not?'

'I'm just a dancer. I don't know anything about running a bar.'

'You're kidding me, aren't you? You've worked here longer than anyone else. You know exactly how to run this bar.'

That thought depressed him. He'd never intended on working here that long, now he was the longest serving member of staff. But at least getting behind the bar, got him off it.

'Okay,' he said, 'I'll do it.'


Oscar lay in Jack's arms. They were both silent, because they didn't want to talk about what was about to happen. Eventually it was Oscar who spoke.

'I should get going soon,' he said.

'Just five more minutes,' said Jack. He turned over in bed so he could see Oscar's beautiful face.

'Okay,' said Oscar and they continued to cuddle. They'd been in bed together all morning, but they still didn't want to leave.

The five minutes went quickly. 'I have to go,' said Oscar. Jack nodded.

'You getting in the shower first?'


'Want some company?'


So they showered together. They'd done the same thing a few times over the weekend, but this time it was different. The other times they'd had their hands all over each other, playing with each other's cocks and going down on each other before taking it to the bed. This time they knew they couldn't get into that again. They washed each other's bodies and hair. They kissed, then got out to get dressed.

'Are you sure we can't just live together in this hotel for the rest of our lives?' said Jack.

'I wish we could,' said Oscar.

'Shall I walk you down to your taxi?'

'That'd be nice.'

They left the room and walked to to elevator hand in hand, neither of them wanting to let go.

Author's Note

Is this the end of the road for Oscar and Jack? Read on to find out.

If you enjoyed the chapter, please consider giving me a like ir dropping me a comment. Hope you're all keeping safe m x

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