Something up with Lyra

Start from the beginning

"I'm assuming you're going somewhere with this?"

Lyra bit her tongue. She knew she wasn't supposed to bring up the death eaters around snape... "Are, are the other death eaters like that? The ones that went back to him I mean..."

She flinched as the question left her lips, ready for the backlash. When they had started these lessons years ago it was the unspoken rule. But it didn't come. Even though she could feel his emotions shift and twist. He did not lash out.

"Some of them are. People who enjoy inflicting pain are drawn to the dark lord, because he allows them too. It's what's expected of his followers. Others join out of fear.... Others looking for power."

She nodded in understanding. Soaking this in.

"I think that's enough for this evening Miss Stone. I expect you ready for out next class. Understood?"

"Yes sir," she said pulling her hand out of the bowl and drying it off. "... Thank you."

"Leave miss Stone." He said irritated and she quickly grabbed her bags and did so.

Once outside the classroom she once again found someone waiting for her and made a mental note to never let the Weasley twins get ahold of her schedule again.

"Hello, Fred." She said, "What's up?"

He looked at her sternly. "We need to talk."

"Everything okay?" She asked playing dumb. "Something wrong with the joke shop?"

"No Stone. Something's been up with you, and you're driving my brother mad. Which in turn is driving me mad. Why have you been avoiding us?"

She began to walk down the hall, avoiding his gaze. "I haven't been, I've just been busy. Just because you two dont care about school doesn't mean I don't." It was harsher than she meant it to be. But she didn't want to do this right now.

"That's bullocks Lyra and you know it."

She didn't answer picking up the pace.

"Stop trying to run away Stone!" He said reaching out and grabbing her hand pulling her to a stop roughly.

She hissed in pain and jerked her hand away. Taking a step away from him now glaring. Her hand to her chest.

Fred looked down at his palm. Little bits of blood there now. Her blood. The cut must have reopened when he grabbed her.

"Lyra." He said calmly "Show me your hand."

She took a step back calculating her exits. But Fred was too quick. He lunged for her and wrestled her to the ground. She struggled to kick him off but it was no use. He grabbed her arm and pulled her sleeve up. Revealing the words I must control myself carved into her hand. Red and now slightly bleeding again.

She stopped struggling now. Angry at his lack of boundaries and humiliated. He let her go and allowed her to get up.

"Oh, Lyra." He sighed.

"Don't Oh Lyra me." She said, her voice cracking as her frustration got the better of her. "How dare you, Weasley. I told you to leave it be."

"You've got to tell George." He said firmly.

"We are not telling George anything."

"This isn't an option Stone."

She stepped forwards now. Her entire body shaking. "You don't tell me what to do Weasley!"

"I've already kept one secret for you Stone, I'm not keeping this one."

She cried out in anger. Her tears flowing freely now. She was so frustrated.

"Listen. We aren't fighting over this. Either you come with me willingly, or I'll drag you there myself and I don't care if you yell and scream the entire time, I don't care if every Professor in this school comes running. You. Need. To. Tell. George."

She could tell he was serious but that didn't settle her anger. "Fine!" She yelled and followed him back to the Gryffindor tower.

It wasn't long until they found George. His face lit up when he first saw them. But once he took in their appearance, his smile faltered.

"Where have two been? Causing trouble without me?"

Fred shoved Lyra forward. "Show him."

George frowned now, his anger flared at his brother for treating her that way. "What's going on? You two have a row?" He looked at Lyra, "Is that why you've been distant?"

Lyra didn't look at George. She couldn't.

"Bloody hell Stone!" Fred yelled and grabbed her arm again.

"Oi!" George said, ready to lay Fred out. But he stopped short as Fred pulled up her sleeve and revealed Lyra's hand.

She yanked her arm away from Fred. Glaring at him. George could see why he was so angry now.

"Let me see Lyra," George said softly and reached out for her. She met his eyes, almost pleading with him. "Comm'n let's take a look."

Finally defeated, she took a step closer to him and allowed him to roll up her sleeve and take a closer look at the writing. He ran his thumb gently over the letters. She flinched from the pain. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" He asked, "You should have said you had detention. Is this from what happened last Saturday?" 

"You knew about this?" 

"We had our suspicions," Fred said. "You're not the first student we've seen sporting a scar like that." 

George could feel Lyra's emotions swirling. He pulled her into a hug. 

"Don't hug her!" Fred said, "She's in trouble." 

  George hugged her anyway. "He's right you know," George whispered into her ear. "You should have told us that you had detention with that hag." 

"You wouldn't have let me gone." she sniffled into his chest.

He chuckled "Probably not without a fight. But still, you've got to tell us things like that we're a team after all."

"Secrets don't make friends Stone," Fred added. 

"I'm sorry. I was just worried you'd get angry. You guys seemed like you just wanted to forget what happened, I didn't want to make the situation worse."

"Listen. That Prat Malfoy deserved every single punch." Fred said, "the only thing I regret about that is not being able to hit him myself." 

George nodded. "We're big boys Lyra, we can handle ourselves." 

"Right, we've been getting into trouble a lot longer then you have." 

She let out something that sounded kind of like a laugh, and kind of like a sob. "That's True." 

George pulled her face to look up at him. "So you'll tell us if Umbridge gives you trouble from now on? and not avoid like we smell like dung bombs?"

"yeah." She sniffled "But you've got to keep your cool about it if I do."

"Deal." He turned to Fred now, "and you, I appreciate the enthusiasm but if you make my girlfriend cry again, I'll break your nose."

"That's not exactly keeping your cool Weasley." Lyra said before Fred could respond.

"Yeah Georgie, breaking your promise already?"

"I gave him a warning, that's not losing my cool!"

"I can break Fred's nose if I need too, you don't need to do it for me." Lyra said, trying to sound serious but not really fooling anyone.

"Yes" George said, "But you won't."

"No worries George." Fred held his hands up. "I won't make Stone cry."

"Good." He looked back at Lyra "see? I didn't lose my cool."

She smiled at him "we'll work on it."

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