Close Call

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-It's October over here, and it's literally going to BELOW FREEZING this week. God bless Canada.-

"Where?" Tony asked.

"Walmart supercenter. 400 Park place." Bruce said after a brief pause. "They look like they're picking up new clothes."

"Disguises." Nat stated. "Clint, find the nearest main road and check if they're getting on any transit."

"No, everyone circle around the building, half a mile away." Steve ordered. "Watch the roads and slowly approach. We can' let them pass us."

"Peter and I will watch the subway cameras." Bruce agreed.

"Why are we looking for these kids again?" Sam asked. He, Vision and Wanda had been called in with no context. 

"They're children. You're sending you're whole force against children." Wanda asked. She just wanted these kids she'd heard about to be okay.

"Tell you later."

------------------------------------------POV Swap------------------------------------------

"Hurry, I don't wanna stay here too long." Roy hissed. He'd been the first to get changed, and was now playing lookout while the kids got changed.

"Then where do we go?" Wally asked. Adjusting his new sweatpants and pulling on a hoodie. Dick said that they had to get warm clothes and layers.

"We can't stay on the streets, we need to find a new location. Out of the way." The elder redhead explained, collapsing his compound bow and shoving it in one of their two backpacks. "We should find a place to fill up our water bottles..." 

Dick finished squirming out of his suit and into his new clothing. He tore of his mask for the first time since Bruce the Lab Coat Guy had removed it. He shoved the mask in one pocket and began looking over his belt. He couldn't carry the whole thing on him, he'd have to shove it in one of the back packs. Dick decided to keep a smoke pellet and a few batarangs in his hoodie pocket, just in case.

"Roy, you got the money?" He asked, shoving his suit into the back pack. They had one for weapons and suits, and another for water bottles, first aid kit, the lighter, and energy bars.

"Yeah. all sixty dollars. We'll try to save it." Roy nodded. "You two ready?"

Wally nodded, slapping on his new ballcap and pumping his hoodie hood. "Let's go."

The three started down the alleyway in silence. "Shh-" Dick put out a hand. Once they'd stopped, he gestured towards the north.

They turned and watched as a large, human-looking figure crested over the buildings, a mere quarter-mile of so away.

"Shit, who's that?" Wally asked. "Doesn't matter! He's coming for us!" Roy hissed. "Be inconspicuous!"

"How can we be inconspicuous?" Wally asked desperately. 

"Act conspicuous!" Roy exclaimed. "They'll expect us to be sneaking around."


"He's right." Dick agreed. "There's nothing more inconspicuous than conspicuous teenagers."

"Mother Fucker!" Roy said loudly. "I hate the guy!"

"SAME!" Dick laughed. "Does he want us in the gym or not?"

"I don't know!"

Wally was starting to understand them. "I wish we could get Ms. Chan back! Bio used to be so much fun!"

"I swear, That fucker thinks that we're in grade twelve! I don't understand what all that Greek shit is!"


They continued to chatter loudly, strutting boldly down the street. Once they were a street or so away, they would run.

------------------------------------------POV Swap------------------------------------------

"Can I see what they look like again?" Sam asked, sounding suspicious.

"Geez, we should have just printed you a picture!" Tony groaned, ordering F.R.I.D.A.Y to forward the image again.

"I have... something over here. An older Redheaded teen, a black haired kid- no mask, and... one with a hoodie and ball cap, Can't recognize him."

"They took clothing from Walmart, those are likely their disguises." Nat replied. "Send your location. Vision and I are closest, we'll surround them."

"...Okay, sent. They're heading down the side-street."

"We're on route."

------------------------------------------POV Swap------------------------------------------

"Don't panic..." Roy started. 

"What?" Wally asked, already sounding panicked.

"We have a few new tails." The elder redhead commented. "Don't look now, but we've got red-black canary and two new ones on us."

 Wally began quickening his pace anxiously.

"Stay casual." Dick muttered. "Jacob is LITERALLY such a homophobe!"

"Yea! He's such a creep! I wonder if he know's his girlfriend's bi?"

"He probably thinks that's hot. What a fucking perv!"

They continued loudly talking, quickening their pace to a jog. Their tails were hurrying up too. The were essentially chasing each other, pretending like there  was no issue.

"Dick, Smoke pill!"

"Why- Okay?" Dick slipped out a pill and through it to the ground, smothering them under a cloud of smoke.

"Nice. In here!" Roy grabbed his little brothers and ducked into a thin alleyway, they had to take off their backpacks just to fit through it, they were wedged between two apartment buildings.

"Guys." Dick muttered, ducking to the floor, there was a low window by the ground. Dick snatched out his batarang and used it to pry the grate off the window. He slipped the window open and squeezed through.

"I'm not skinny!" Wally exclaimed.

"Me neither, but shut up!" Roy tried not to yell. He grabbed the younger redhead and shoved him through the window. Roy followed them, yanking through the backpacks and slamming the window shut.

They stood there, panting in the dark. Roy pulled the flashlight from Wally's bag, lighting the room. A dusty old laundry room. Washers and dryers rumbled around them.

"It will do." Dick muttered.

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