In Hiding

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-Unrelated, but consider checking out  WorldDominator123's YJ books. I think they're kinda cool and deserve some clout-

"This sucks major dick." Wally groaned, lying back on the raggedy, probably million year old, couch. "Are we just going to stay here and wait until they hunt us down and take us to their director or whatever?"

"Six hours Wally, shut the hell up." Roy groaned. They'd found a deserted apartment in the building they'd slipped into. Sadly, there seemed to be a reason it was uninhabited: the hot water didn't run, half the carpet was torn up, there was barely any furniture, and the whole place smelt like bleach and chlorine. "We just need to wait out the night." 


"We don't know our way around this city. " Roy told the younger impatiently. "But sure! Go out on those streets, get lost, and let them hunt you down there."

Dick was sitting on the floor, emptying and repacking his utility belt, taking stock of his supplies. "Can I have an energy bar?"

Roy tossed him one reluctantly. "We need to conserve these, incase we can't restock soon."

"I know, I know." Dick tore into the item. "So," He asked, mouth full. "Any theories on how they found us?"

"Maybe they were patrolling and recognized us." Roy said. "The whole, 'conspicuous is inconspicuous' plan didn't exactly work."

"We saw like four of them following us. were they all patrolling the same place, and all happened apon us?" Wally asked.

"I don't know, why don't you tell us what happened, Wallace." Roy asked scathingly. He was trying his damn best to take care of these two brats!

"Walmart cameras?" Wally suggested. 

"And they just happened to be checking random Walmart camera's and happened to notice the barely visible blur shared a colour scheme with one of their escaped prisoners?" Roy shot back.

"Maybe-" Dick swallowed his pitifully small dinner. "Maybe they were running facial recognition over the city's cameras. they clearly have the resources to."

Roy glared down at the speedster. "Did you slow down enough for cameras to catch your face?"

"I don't know. Do they even have pictures of us? Plus I had my mask on." Wally back peddled.

"Walmart-Camera thing was your theory!"

Wally through his hands up. "I just want to go home, man!"

Roy sighed, feeling like an asshole. "I know."

"I mean, maybe we should just go with them..." Wally murmured. "I mean, they didn't really hurt us while we were there. Maybe they could figure out how to get us back?"

Roy told him. "Maybe those tower-heroes made up Pizza Pops, but whoever 'Director Fury'  is, don't think they have our interests at heart."


"Where's Peter?" Tony asked, having just got done with being yelled at by his fiancé over the phone. I mean, all he did was skip date night to hunt children, and Pepper wouldn't get off his  case about it!

"He went to stay the night with his friend, uh... Ned." Bruce replied tiredly.

Tony nodded. "Has Fury called you up to yell yet?" He prodded Steve.  after five hours of searching, they'd returned to the tower to scheme.

"Not to yell, but S.H.I.E.L.D is offering field operatives to help us find them." Natasha answered for him.

"Which is ridiculous." Steve objected. "They're kids, there's no need for deadly force."

"Kids who escaped us in a city they'd never been in before." Natasha replied. 

"So they found somewhere comfortable to hide." Sam asked, low-key moody that they'd been outfoxed by three children.

"Where would they feel comfortable?" Bruce asked. "They hadn't heard of New York before two days ago."

"I don't think they need to be comfortable. They're scared." Wanda said, staring into the mug she was cradling. "They just need somewhere safe enough to last the night. Until they can see where they are."

"She's not wrong." Bruce agreed. "Somewhere with Water, a roof, maybe even Wifi or heating if they're lucky..."

"Well that sure narrows it down." Tony grumbled.

"So what's you're suggested plan of action?" Vision asked Steve.

"Come on, Americano, how are you going to find them." He scoffed. A bit pissy from being left out of the question.

Steve thought for a minute.  "I think our best plan are to try to earn their trust; convince them to work with us."

"And if they don't want to trust us?" Sam asked he'd never met these kids, but he already wanted them away.. "They ran away from you once, I don't think they'll just come out because we asked them nicely."

"We'll keep working on locating them. " Steve relented. "But they are kids. And Wanda's right: they're probably scared. So if possible; convince them to come peacefully."

Nat stared into him. "So what do we tell Fury?"

"Tell them not to engage." Steve told her. "If a government-sized agency is sending operatives after them, they'll be even harder to find. And they're kids, I don't want them pulling artillery on minors!"

What the Heck are the Avengers? (Young Justice x Avengers crossover)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin