Pinhead x reader

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(Hey, just zoomed back again to tell ya'll that the new book is out! Not sure how many of you know the game it's about but... I gave it a try!
Okay, now enjoy Pinhead ^^)

You pushed your foot down, feeling the air go speedily around you. You were just riding your bike back home, after a hard working day. You really just wanted to get to the metro and get home, you were pretty tired after all.
(Please ignore me wanting to fit a bike into a metro, I'll explain it I promise)
You turned right at a corner, stopping your bike very quickly afterwards. You saw a... an odd shop, just sitting at the corner. You've ridden through here so many times but you have not seen this shop. Ever. It must've been built overnight. But it already looked worn... as if it had been here for a decade at maximum. You got off your bike and walked a little closer, on the sidewalk.
"Shop of scares and oddities" The large golden text on a black wooden backround read above the shop. 'Huh...' You thought. Well... You're off work a little early today, you could take a peak inside the dark shop before your metro actualy arrives. You locked your bike on a nearby railing and walked to the large black door, pushing it open. A rather loud ring came from above you. A small, seemingly gold bell shook next to the door.

The inside of the shop really stood up to it's name. Tall, large shelves and closets with see-through glasses were all over the walls, not letting you see any of the original wallpaper. All sorts of items were in the shelves. You walked slowly closer, looking at the items. A red gem... a knife stained with something red... you didn't want to know what. And a quality made doll. It was a rather large doll of a boy with black hair, blue even grey-ish eyes and a pale face, dressed in a nice suit. His souless stare seemed to go deep into you. You turned away, rather directing your attention to another shelf.

"Hol' on hol' on I'm coming!" A bit of a raspy voice rang out from your right side. You looked that way, seeing a counter where a very old cash register was seated at. Two hands suddenly grabbed onto the counter, hoisting up an entire person.
"Hello, welcome to my little shop of scares and oddities how may I help you?" A rather small, pale, red haired girl with seemingly five minutes of sleep smiled at you brightly. You noticed she had some kind of a glove on her hand, she began taking it off as soon as you noticed.
"Oh, sorry for jumping in like this... I've never seen this shop here before" You tried moving the conversation away a little.
"Ah yes, I move my shop around all the time, but it's your lucky day you found me!" The messy haired girl said with the same smile, taking out a large, and seemingly heavy, carton box from under the counter. She turned it around a little, trying to find the label "Don't sell" when she found it, she tapped it with her black nail and pushed it away a little.
"Do you need help with that?" You offered yourself. She welcomed the help. You only had to move the box across the tiny corner shop to a shelf. The red haired girl walked up next to you and opened up the box. You noticed a scratched up nametag on her black poncho. "Misha" it read.
She took out a simple cassette tape, simply labeled as 7. She set it on the shelf, and ramaged through the box again.
"What do you even sell here?" You asked, playing with your hands as you looked around the shop once more. "Did someone steal the sighn outside or something?" She asked, her body halfway in the box, taking out a perfectly taxidermied owl.
"Yeah sorry... dumb question..." You nervously chuckled.
"Ah don't worry about it, everyone looks like a fish oughtta water when they come in for the first time" Misha reassured you. You soon asked her if she wants help putting the items up. Once again, she accepted and you took out all sorts of things, setting them on shelves.
After the two of you were done, Misha kicked the box away into a corner.

"I really apriciate your help stranger" She looked to you with a bright smile. "I'll give you one item free of charge. You're my first customer and I want to reward you" She said, tapping back to the wooden counter.
"Oh please you don-"
"Ah ah ah! I dislike when someone argues back. Now let's see what I could give ya..." She crouched behind the counter. Misha ramaged around for a while before she re-surfaced with a small block in her hand. It looked like a rubics cube... if alien egyptians got a hold of the desighn that is. It was black, with golden symbols all around it. Misha very carefuly set it on the counter.
"Whoa, what is this?" You pointed to the cube.
"Take it as a smarty pants rubic cubic" She smiled at you. "I've got no idea how it works, but all I know is that when you solve it, you get something really incredible. Something so good, no human has ever gotten it!" Misha looked at the box, her mind wandering away in memory. You were sure she knew more than she was saying, but you were never one to stare at a givens horse's teeth.
"Alright then, I'll take it" You chuckled, picking the box up. "But please, be gentle with it..." Misha out stretched her hands, wanting the box to be safe.

You gave her a nod and a goodbye and left the shop. You rode down the road, the small black box carefuly laying in your backpack. You arrived at the metro, folding your bike into a more convinient shape and sat on the metal moving worm. You drove all the way home, almost forgetting about the box. You opened your backpack in the living room, the cube gently shining in the light of your room. You took it out, standing up and examining the text. You walked into your bedroom, sitting on your bed and still studying the box, unaware of the eyes watching you from inside...

1084 words

Slashers x Reader [FINISHED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant