chapter 1

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by K.J.Davis and curesnowflake.

                 I was once in a love triangle, to make school life harder, I had to be in love with two people. I am a senior in high school and I started the year out great. I have an amazing girlfriend, amazing parents who accepted me being bisexual, and just had an amazing junior year. I met my girlfriend Lily my junior year. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I spent most of the year looking at her when I could, we had two classes together and as far as I was concerned, she didn't even know I existed. There were times when she would catch me looking at her and she would smile at me. I never once thought about liking girls, but this girl was different. Half way into my junior year, I was ready to ask her out, I built up the confidence and attempted to. Every time I would get close to it, I would get scared and change my mind. It was on a Friday that I decided to ask her out, I would ask her, she would say no, at least she would have to wait until Monday to reject me. I waited until lunch and asked her to meet me outside of school. I prepared flowers and waited, it seemed like 1 minute was 1 hour. She came out and I was waiting. I gave her the flowers and told her that I liked her, she looked confused. I then did the bravest thing I have ever done in my life, I ran up to her and kissed her. She kissed me back. That was the start of our relationship. Monday came and I was planning to keep it a secret, I kept my head down. She ran up to me and kissed me in the hallway. Everyone now knew, she really has been the light of my life this past year. Tomorrow is our 1 year anniversary, I got her a box of chocolate, a bouquet of flowers, and a teddy bear. It was the beginning of the day, she came up to me and said, "Ash, this year has been amazing and I want to spend many more with you. I... I love you." I was surprised to hear that, I was gonna tell her I love her but she beat me to it. I told her I loved her to, blushing the whole time, and gave her my gifts. We were about to kiss when a boy walked out and slow clapped, we turned our attention to him. He was the school freak, Blair, he could never get a date with anyone because there was something off with him, no one could pin down what was wrong with him, but there was something there. I rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention back to Lily, the bell rang, I told her to meet me after school so we could walk home together. She lived on the same street as me. School ended and I was waiting for her, I felt as if I was being watched the whole time. I pushed the feeling out of my head, as I saw Lily coming out of the school. I grabbed her hand and we headed for the bus, I turned around and saw someone hide behind a nearby bush. I grabbed Lily's hand and rushed for the bus, she looked worried. We got on the bus, and the person with the hood came on the bus right after us. I tried to look at who it was but I couldn't see their face. They hid it with the hood, they sat in the back of the bus, watching us. I sunk in my chair and told Lily about what was happening. It was our stop, if the figure followed us off the bus here, then this person was following us. We got up, I gripped Lily's hand and rushed off the bus, I turned before getting off the bus and the hooded person stood up and walked towards the exit of the bus. Lily and I ran home, when we ran, the person ran too. While running the hood fell off of the person's head, it was Blair. Irritated, I told Lily to go home and told her I would see her later. She looked unsure, I told her again, go home, I will see you later. I walked up to Blair and said, "why are you following us?" He said nothing. It was starting to become dark. He just smiled, he still said nothing. Scared, I started to back up. He started to walk towards me. I realized I should have told Lily to get someone. He said, "why did you send Lily off? I won't bite." I was now freaked out. I wanted to get out of there. I turned to run and there he was, I asked, "How did you get there so quickly?" I looked behind me and he was there too. I wasn't sure what was happening. I looked at him, he smiled. It was at this moment that I realized that there really was something wrong with him. There were many rumors about him. I never really listened, I wish I would have. I knew there was no escaping him, my heart was pounding. I didn't know what would happen. I knew I wanted to be with Lily and at home, safe. None of those were an option. I reached for my phone, I could call Lily or 911. I was about to dial Lily's number when he attacked me. He threw my phone, it was unreal, the strength it must have taken, it flew to the other side of the road, that is an at least 5 minute walk. He was now laughing, he then did something unexpected. He bit my neck, the pain of the pierce was so unexplainable. It was like taking two knives and jabbing it in my neck. I felt dizzy and all I could think about was Lily. I could feel him draining my blood, gulp by gulp. It was getting harder for me to scream, I wanted someone to hear me, anyone. I wanted Lily. I wanted to tell her I loved her, I thought I was dying. He got off me and he walked away like nothing happened. I was still in pain, this pain is worse than when he actually bit me. It was like he was biting everywhere in my body, my organs, everything. I didn't know what was gonna happen to me. As the pain got worse, I felt stronger. I was screaming, someone must have heard, they called 911. I heard the siren and I heard Lily screaming my name. I don't remember what happened after.

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