"I don't know, that's the problem!"

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Your POV
The tapping noise of my fingers hitting the keyboard filled the silence. Shawn sat across from me staring while I typed away continuing to do research upon what university I would like to go to. 
"Now what're you doing?" Shawn asked as I shifted getting more comfortable in my seat.
"Making a pros and cons list for the universities I'm thinking of going to," I responded making sure to get back to my list immediately. 
"Y/N, baby. Why don't you take a break? You've been working on this for the past 3 hours. You don't want to get yourself worked up especially in regards to universities-" Shawn paused for a minute, "Why don't we go get some take out and then we can cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie and when you're ready I'll help you with the list?". 
I groaned, "But I need to get this figured out now!"
"Why right now? You have plenty of time to figure it out." He said as he got up and slowly shortened the distance between us. 
"Fine, let's go I guess I could use some food," I muttered closing my laptop and setting it down on the coffee table. 


Shawn and I had gone to McDonald's and got burgers, fries, and a chocolate shake, when we got home we cuddled and watched Grown ups. But now was the time for me to get back to my university research because it wasn't gonna do it on its own and I need to figure out where I am going to apply to/where I want to go. I bent over to grab my laptop then cuddled back into Shawn with my laptop over my lap beginning to type away on the doc I created with the pros and cons as Shawn helped me. 

"Why are you so worried? Look how full each of the pros and cons lists are. This will definitely help with your decision. So why are you still stressed?" Shawn asked as he glanced over the list we created. 

"I don't know, that's the problem!" I sighed.

Shawn smiled pulling me into a hug, "Don't worry baby, everything will be okay and you will be fine.". I melted into his arms as he hugged me and kissed the side of my head. This boy really is always going to be here for me and I will always love and cherish him.

Sorry I haven't written in so long lol. Hope you guys like this imagine!
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