25. Four Hours

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Gideon, Aria and I all had to get a ride from Cameron in Ian's car. Ian and Ray stayed with Bethany.

Aria parted ways with us, so it was just Gideon and I.

I've never felt more awkward in my whole life.

He didn't help either. He just stayed silent. And it was a long walk.

Just as I was about to climb the pipe, one hand of the rusty thing, he yanked my arm, pulling me close to him and bending down to kiss me deeply for a few seconds. His kiss was the best thing I could ever receive.

"Why did you just do that?" I breathe heavily as he pulls away, my eyes wide. Couldn't he feel how awkward this was?

"Because I love you," he says nonchalantly. So nonchalant, in fact, I almost miss it.

I turned back to him and laugh. "Took you four hours to say it back!"

He laughed. "You didn't exactly give me a chance, Juliette," he says.

I snorted and kissed him. "I love you, too, Gideon."

"My love," he muttered onto my lips. "I am going to spend my life with you and then forevermore."

"Of course you are," I joke. "I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen." Avril Lavigne was quaking.

"Since when are you so honest?" He asks with a smirk.

"Since when are you so cheesy?"

"Since I met you, I have gone out of my way to be as cheesy as possible. I have tried to convince myself that we were so wrong for each other— that I could never like someone like you. But I do. I love you. I told myself that I should hate you and you were the thing standing in between me and my scholarship." He tips up my chin with his pointer finger. "But now I'm thinking that scholarship is worthless."

"Don't say that, Gideon," I whisper softly. "That scholarship means so much to you."

"You mean more."

"So? You shouldn't have to choose!"

"I already have."

I sigh deeply. "Don't do that, Gideon. Don't give up your scholarship for me. Don't even consider it, Gid!"

"Look, I'm not saying that's what's going to happen," he sighs. "But if it does, I'm not leaving you."

"You won't have to," someone said from behind me.

We both jumped and I turned around to see Ms. Birchwood. A hand was on her hip as she sighed. "You just can't keep sneaking out. This has been going on for three months now!"

"I have a new proposal for you, JJ. You too, Gideon. I'll see you in the morning."

I glanced at Gideon as she walked away in her pajamas.

"This won't be good," I groaned.

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