Protective. It was a good thing to note if Cassian intended to stay on his good side. Cassian had seen the beast unleashed once. It was enough to last a lifetime and it was fair to say he felt comfortable with never seeing it again. In fact, he'd think himself very much lucky if that was indeed the case.

"Did that blast from the cauldron manage to wipe out your memory of Amarantha as well as your wings, General? If you're quite done with the accusing tone-"

Tahlia's arm pulled him back to her side almost instantly. "Helion, he has every right to ask. It's his job." She said, almost like she was warning him. Her. Warning a High Lord. Oh yes Cassian liked this woman very much. "You'll have to excuse the overbearing fae. You'd think being High Lord of the day would make him slightly more bearable in such hours. Alas, we have the misfortune of said old wives tale being just that."

A full hearty laugh erupted from his chest, and Rhysand joined in a moment later. It was endearing, that she had not been in the slightest bit intimidated or scared by the pair of them, though growing up around someone like Helion... Cassian didn't know why he had been surprised at all.

"Tahlia this is Rhysand-" Helion introduced, sounding more and more reluctant by the second at letting them converse let alone form some kind of friendship.

"The High Lord of the Night Court and the General of his legions. It's a pleasure to meet you both." Her hair cascaded down past her shoulders as she bowed her head down in greeting, hand over her heart. He'd seen Helion do the same enough times to know the mannerism must have been learnt from one another.

"The pleasure is ours." He couldn't agree with Rhysand more.

"I heard of what your mate did under the mountain." She said, standing back to her original height, gratitude shining in her eyes as she looked to Helion, then back at Rhys. "I can't thank her enough."

"None of us can. Though I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I don't tell her. The pair of them have a big enough ego to cover for everyone in Prythian as it is."

The small laugh emitted was nothing short of musical. A sweet, lilting thing. "I'm sure you also have a helping hand in that, General."

Rhys snorted at that. "Please, call him Cassian. As Helion said, there is no need for formalities here." Even if Cassian did like the way the word 'general' rolled off her tongue like a sirens call.

"But you came to us to talk business." Helion nodded from his place in front of her, and gestured towards the dining hall.

The space was open and grand, easy escapes too. It didn't matter how much they trusted each other, Cassian was always on high alert in new environments. It kept him safe. It kept his family safe. So the many, many glass windows did wonders to put his mind at ease.

"Only to see if you've heard any word on the Queens or any heir of Hybern." Rhys confirmed, taking a seat to Helion's left, Tahlia to his right.

Cassian took longer than perhaps was wise, deliberating which space to occupy. But this was business. So with only a moment's hesitation, he dropped into the seat next to his brother, the chair beneath him groaning under his weight. Groaning with every move he made to comfortably settle his wings in the space set. Considering the Day Court did not take visitors often, it seemed more than pleasant for guests, even Illyrians like himself.

"Perhaps you could help in that regard, Tahlia." Rhys continued, sipping on the rich wine from a goblet that seemed to be carved from ebony itself, Cassian's more of a ruby red. Helion's a crystalised gold with white patterns swirling around its' expanse whilst Tahlia's the opposite.

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