Chapter VII

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You are the sweetest feeling I know

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You are the sweetest feeling I know

You are my favourite distraction

What kind of drug are you 


"Fuck." Tahlia sighed, dragging her eyes from the Shadowsinger's to glance over the frantic writing again.

In all honesty, she hadn't expected a response so soon. No, she didn't expect him to find anything at all, at least nothing of worth. Tahlia had had doubts in trusting him, perhaps not as much as anyone else but she still had reservations set firmly in place.

There was no doubt in her mind that the words that had been written were true, from the state of the letter, rushed and the writing nothing but scribbles. The terror settled in her stomach was real and brewing, a cautious knowing thing that purred in the back of her mind screaming that it was true.

Three words she would've thought would've been more satisfying coming from Tamlin. There was no satisfaction. Only raw fear, raw dread.

"Fuck." She uttered again, chancing a glance at Helion. Three words. Three words and a request for another meeting with her. Not Helion. Not the court or any other. Her.

"I found it at the border. The sprites were arguing over whether to keep it for themselves or who would hand it over." Helion's head dropped into his hands and he massaged his temples lightly. "Is it real? Is it from him?"

It was real, though to humour herself and Helion, she let her mind slip to the other.

The room faded away into space and time, her eyes glazing over until she focussed on him. On his decisions. On his future.

The beast paced in his wolf-like form, branches crunching beneath his feet and the weeds growing around the clearing swaying away like even they feared him. He looked uneasy, head snapping towards even the slightest of bird calls from miles away, keeping hid in the low hanging trees of the forest.

The anxiety radiated from him was as real as her own. His fur shook and his body trembled, bones quaking with his shift back into his rippling fae form. "Where are you, girl?" He breathed to himself, eyes searching through the woods. Looking for something, or through fear that someone was following him.

He continued to pace back and forth until a figure, one she recognised ran to the clearing. It was her. "You got my letter."

"It was quite vague," She watched herself say, cautious of the open space they stood in. "Care to elaborate?"

His next words came quietly as he checked over his shoulder. "They've made alliances."

Tahlia felt her heart drop through her chest, pulse shuddering deafeningly in her ears. She could feel herself sway in her seat back in the Day Court. "Who? The Queens?" She wasn't sure what was worse though. Them making alliances with someone else or- "...Hybern?"

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