Part 1

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Kirstin Maldonado - Severe Anxiety  

Started passing out in moments of extreme stress. This was not an issue until began slipping out of consciousness during nightmares which became an nightly thing due to an incident. (Note: Needs to be under supervision during slumber) 

Room: 24 w/ K .Olusola -  Note: Both will sleep during daylight

Mitchell Grassi - Anorexia

Began skipping meals and eventually stopped eating. Became serious after ending up in hospital after passing out.  (Supervision needed during meal times) 

Room: 25 w/ S. Hoying - Note: Both will eat at alternative times to other due to heavy supervision.

Scott Hoying - Depression

Was manageable until two attempts at suicide and extensive self-harm. (Note: Suicide watch needed)

Room: 25 w/ M. Grassi - Note: Both will eat at alternative times to other due to heavy supervision.

Avriel Kaplan – Severe Bipolar and Alcohol Addiction

Discovered after attacking a close friend. (Note: Threat to others) 

Room 23 - Note: No un-supervised visitors before the 2 month mark.

Kevin Olusola - Insomnia and Drug-Use Issues

Ecstasy addiction in the previous year but 7 months dry. Wouldn't sleep for a extreme period of time and loose consciousness untill sleep was restored. (Note: Finds ease in sleeping during daylight) 

Room: 24 w/ K.Maldonado -  Note: Both will sleep during daylight and complete normal tasks (such as therapy) during nightime.

Kirstie's POV

When I first got here, I would have visitors every second day. Now, not a single one for a month. It didn't bother me; it kept my family happy, thinking that I was happy. Therapy was the only thing that I looked forward to. I would have to wake up pretty early, which made it tough. Kevin was in my group, which helped. He asked a lot of questions, which didn’t really bother me. The others in my group were nice, although I could never remember their names. I could remember anything but their names. 

There was:

Brown Eyes. He was as thin as a twig with a hollow face. He barely showed any emotion. He talked a lot, which helped. . He was clearly in love with Blondie. 

Blondie. He was extremely tall. He had scars all down his arms and even a thin white line that ran across his neck. He wore his battle scars with pride though, which was unlike most.

And then there was Avi. I knew him. God I knew him too well.

I could spot his green eyes


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