"Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North." Yes, we know who you are. "The only elected representative in this room, chosen by the people for the people. And on behalf of the people, I command you. Do it."

The Doctor only grinned in response.

"So, how do we get out?" Rose asked, moving to sit on the table near her sister.

"We don't," Lily told her, not giving the Doctor a chance to say it as he grabbed the Emergency Protocols from the case Harriet had been carrying around. "We stay right where we are."

"Use the buffalo password," the Doctor told Mickey. "It overrides everything."

"What're you doing?" Jackie could just barely be heard in the background.

"Hacking into the Royal Navy," he told her before addressing those on the other end of the line. "We're in. Uh… Here it is. HMS Taurean, Trafalgar Class submarine, ten miles off the coast of Plymouth."

"Right," the Doctor said. "We need to select a missile."

"We can't go nuclear," Mickey told him. "We don't have the defence codes."

"We don't need it," Lily shook her head with a sigh. What was with everyone wanting to go nuclear?

"All we need's an ordinary missile," the Doctor agreed. "What's the first category?"

"Sub Harpoon, UGM-A4A." Mickey read out for everyone to hear.

"That's the one," nodded the Doctor. "Select." In the background, you could hear a few murmurs between Mickey and Jackie, but it wasn't entirely clear what they were saying. "You ready for this?"


"Mickey the idiot," the Doctor closed his eyes with a pause. "The world is in your hands. Fire."

The four sighed at the suspense and knowledge of what they had just done. Rose slid off the table, opting to stand. Lily also finally got up from her seat, her back popping as she did so. Sitting in the same position for hours probably wasn't her brightest of ideas.

Harriet tapped on one of the steel shutters. "How solid are these?"

"Not solid enough," the Doctor told her with a shake of his head. "Built for short range attack, nothing this big."

"All right, now I'm making the decision," Rose started as she made her way over to the cupboard. Lily was already there and was beginning to take stuff out. "I'm not going to die. We're going to ride this one out. It's like what they say about earthquakes. You can survive them by standing under a doorframe. Now, this cupboard's small so it's strong. Come and help me." She waved Harriet over. "Come on!"

As the three emptied the cupboard, Mickey spoke up again. "Counter defence five five six."

"Stop them intercepting it," the Doctor ordered, still a bit tense as he stood over the phone.

"I'm doing it now," Mickey replied.

"Good boy," the Doctor told him.

"Five five six neutralised." Mickey confirmed.

"And all the humans should be evacuating as we speak!" Lily called out from where she was at in the cupboard causing the Doctor to sigh in relief as he unplugged the phone and headed into the cupboard himself. The four crammed themselves into the corner and curled up on the floor.

"Here we go," Harriet said, grabbing hold of Lily's and the Doctor's hands. "Nice knowing you all. Hannibal!"

The four braced themselves as the missile hit 10 Downing Street. They grit their teeth as everything seemed to tilt, and the room shook and shook. The noise was deafening. And then, everything finally stilled. The Doctor pushed the steel door off and Harriet was the first to step out.

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