Chapter 4

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World War Three- Pt 1

Lily woke up with a large gasp and widened eyes as she coughed, rubbing her sore throat.

Looking around, she was still in the cabinet room, but the others must have already left. She groaned a bit as she sat up. Her throat wasn't in the worst condition, but there was still a slight tinge of pain. Plus, her back was a tad door sore. Lily could only assume that was from being slammed into the wall.

She couldn't tell how long she'd been out. Nor did she know how long it would take for the others to get back to the room. What she did know, however, was that this was a perfect time for her to take the so-called break the TARDIS kept on bugging her about. So, she plopped down on one of the chairs, propped her feet on the table, pulled a book out of her shirt and began her wait for the others.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, she supposed, it didn't take them long to come barreling into the room. They didn't even take notice that she was there - she was beginning to think that was starting to become the norm - as the Doctor grabbed a decanter from a side table before he, and the two with him, stood in the doorway in front of the Slitheen.

"One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol," the Doctor threatened, holding up the alcohol and his sonic screwdriver. "Whoof, we all go up! So back off." The Slitheen all took a step back. "Right then. Question time. Who exactly are the Slitheen?"

"They're aliens," Harriet pointed out as though it wasn't obvious by that point.

"Yes," the Doctor rolled his eyes. "I got that, thanks."

"Who are you," the Slitheen who had been using Green's body asked. "If not human?"

"Who's not human?" Harriet asked, clearly confused.

"He's not human." Rose stated simply.

"He's not human?" Lily nearly snorted at Harriet's bemusement.

"Can I have a bit of hush?" The Doctor interrupted the pair, a tad annoyed.


"So, what's the plan?" The Doctor asked the Slitheen, returning to the original matter.

"But he's got a Northern accent," Harriet interrupted again, not being able to help the slue of questions.

"Lots of planets have a north," Rose shrugged

"I said hush," the Doctor silenced them once more before turning his attention back to the Slitheen. "Come on. You've got a spaceship hidden in the North Sea. It's transmitting a signal. You've murdered your way to the top of government. What for, invasion?"

"Why would we invade this God-forsaken rock?" Another one of the Slitheen, who Lily was pretty sure was called Asquith, answered in reply, a bit disgusted at the idea.

"Then something's brought the Slitheen race here," Lily sighed at the Doctor's words, noting the mistake. "What is it?"

"The Slitheen race?

"Slitheen is not our species." Green actually sounded a tad offended."Slitheen is our surname. Jocrassa Fel Fotch Pasameer-Day-Slitheen at your service."

"So, you're family," the Doctor concluded.

"A family business," the newly dubbed Jocrassa added.

"Then you're out to make a profit," the Doctor realized, a bit of disgust running through his head. It always seemed to come down to money no matter where you were in the galaxy. "How can you do that on a God-forsaken rock?"

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