Chapter 2

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Aliens of London: Pt 2

"It's blocked off," the Doctor complained as the three of us stood on the crowded street filled with all sorts of mayhem. Everybody was going a little mad with the whole spaceship in the Thames. Though, Lily was pretty sure some of the people were more angry over the roads being blocked.

"We're miles from the centre." Rose noted. "The city must be gridlocked. The whole of London must be closing down."

"I know!" The Doctor grinned. Clearly, this was very exciting for him. If she hadn't known this was going to happen, Lily would probably be the same. The unknown was absolutely fascinating, after all! "I can't believe I'm here to see this. This is fantastic!"

Lily had to smile at that. He always had and always will get so excited over such things. It was one of the many things she liked about him.

"Did you know this was going to happen?" Rose asked with a raised brow as she turned to look at the Doctor.



"Do you recognize the ship?"



"Do you know why it crashed?"


Unfortunately, yes.

She really hated knowing things beforehand...

"Oh, I'm so glad I've got you," Rose rolled her eyes at the grinning man.

"I bet you are!" The Doctor paid no mind to the sarcasm, clearly more invested in what was going on. "This is what I travel for, Rose. To see history happening right in front of us!"

"Well, let's go and see it!" Rose suggested. "Never mind the traffic, we've got the TARDIS."

Oh, how she couldn't wait to see the TARDIS again. Yes, again. She was a beauty in all the Doctor's incarnations that she'd met so far, but there was nothing like the feeling of walking into a new console room that wasn't actually so new.

"Better not," the Doctor shut down Rose's idea pretty quickly, and Lily had to agree. While she may have friends in UNIT, that didn't mean she wanted them to go dragging her along to help them out. Nah, she'd much rather get into the thick and thins of things without a bunch of soldiers around her. "They've already got one spaceship in the middle of London. I don't want to shove another one on top."

"Yeah, but yours looks like a big blue box." The blonde tried to point out. "No one's going to notice."

"You'd be surprised."

Tell me about it. Lily thought. It's like that time she tried to take a nap on top of the Sphynx and thought that nobody would notice. So, yeah... not exactly one of her brightest of ideas... but it was a fun enough experience nonetheless.

"Emergency like this, there'll be all kinds of people watching. Trust me. The TARDIS stays where it is." The Doctor finished firmly.

"So history's happening and we're stuck here."

"We could always watch it on the telly?" Lily shrugged in suggestion as she spoke up for the first time since they'd arrived on the street. She nearly snorted again as the two jumped. Apparently, they had forgotten she was there.

The Doctor still gained a slight look of displeasure at the idea of having to gain information like a normal person. And honestly?

She couldn't blame him.

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