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MARIA HILL WAS A HARD person to track down. But, when they finally found her not at the agency for once, Sage Daniels decided that this was her shot. The woman walked down the sidewalk, a coffee in her hand as she continued down the streets. She pretended to be on her phone, glancing up when she noticed Maria Hill making her way towards the direction Sage had just come from. Then, she took her shot. Sage slammed into Maria, her coffee spilling all over Maria's shirt.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Sage quickly exclaimed. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's alright," Maria assured her.

"Damnit." Sage softly sighed to herself. "I always do this. I just moved here from London, I'm not exactly familiar with this city, so I was trying to find my way around and I found a coffee shop, which turns out doesn't have as good of coffee as I hoped. And to put the cherry on the cake, I slam into someone."

Maria looked down at her shirt, silently thanking the gods above that she had chosen against her white shirt and decided on the navy blue one. She looked at the woman in front of her, noticing how truly sorry she felt. A small sigh fell from her lips. "I was actually on my way to one of my favorite coffee shops. I can show you the way, if you'd like?"

Sage looked at her, a grateful smile falling on her lips. "Really? I would love that very much."

"It's actually the way you just came from." Maria told her. Sage nodded before turning on her heel and following the woman.

"I really am sorry for ruining your blouse." Sage apologized once more, a frown on her face. Maria glanced at the woman, shaking her head with a small smile.

"Truly, it's alright." Maria assured her. "It happens. Especially in New York."

Sage gives her a small smile before the two continue to walk in a silence. Sage is the one to break it. "I just realized I haven't introduced myself. My name is Sarah Gillies."

"Maria Hill." She nodded her head towards the black haired woman.

"It's nice to meet you, Maria Hill." Sage smiled. They stopped in front of a coffee shop, Maria pulling open the door and holding it for the woman. Sage offered a smile in thanks before entering the shop with Maria following behind her. Sage looked around, generally awed at the small yet fancy coffee shop. "I never knew coffee shops were so fancy."

"Usually they're not." Maria answered her.

"You must have expensive taste." Sage pointed out, her eyes moving from the scenery to look at the woman standing beside her.  She gave Maria a small smile before the duo moved up in the line. Sage felt nervous. She didn't know why she was feeling nervous, her hands were sweaty, her heart was trying to race in her chest, but she was trying everything within her to keep herself under control, and calm.

"You could say that." Maria shrugged, offering the woman a small smile. Maria Hill liked to believe that she was a tough woman. She was Nick Fury's right hand woman, so she didn't have any reason to doubt that. But, as she stood next to this stranger, she didn't know how to act, and that wasn't something she was used to. She always knew how to act in every situation, but not in this one. This woman―︎a kind smile with a small gap placed between her front two teeth that made her smile more perfect than one could ever imagine―︎who had slammed into her and ruined her shirt, made her unsure of how to act, and that wasn't something Maria Hill was comfortable with. Maria was intrigued, and that scared her, but she wouldn't let that be known. She turned her head to look at this woman, Sarah Gillies being her name, and offered another small smile. "What about you?"

"Me?" Sage rose her eyebrows at the question, not exactly expecting it. Maria gave a small shrug and nod of her head.

"I mean, you did run into me and get coffee all over my shirt," Maria joked. Sage chuckled, feeling blood rise to her cheeks.

"Well, you could say I have expensive taste. But, I wasn't born in a rich family. So, whatever I receive, is the thing that I will be grateful for and cherish." She gave Maria a small smile as she answered, her answer filled with nothing but the truth.  Sage bit her lip, a nervous habit of hers, before looking in front of her and watching as the person in front of them was about to receive their order. "How about I pay for our coffee's, and you can show me New York and we can. . . I don't know, get to know each other? Only if you want, of course."

Maria nodded her head in agreement. "I could spare a piece of my day."

Sage's face immediately brightened. "A-alright. Let's do it." So, Sage paid for their drinks before they walked out of the fancy coffee shop, and started down the streets of New York.

" So, Sage paid for their drinks before they walked out of the fancy coffee shop, and started down the streets of New York

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