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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


SHE WAS LOSING BLOOD QUICKLY. Sage pressed a hand to her stomach, her shirt turning crimson. Malia looked at her with wide eyes before they both turned their heads to see Beatrix standing there with a gun in her hand. The woman looked absolutely furious. Sage felt herself become dizzy, causing her to stumble and for Malia to catch her before bringing her down to the ground. Tears were pooling in Malia's eyes as she looked down at the woman that cared so much for her.

     "Sage." Malia's voice cracked as she too pressed her hands against Sage's wounds. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she looked towards Beatrix, nothing but rage in her voice. "How could you! She's going to die!"

     "She made her choice, Malia." Beatrix calmly told the girl, taking a few steps closer to her. "You have a choice to make now as well. And hopefully you'll make the right one. The same one your brother made." Blake came into view, a gun in his hands as he stood beside of Beatrix. He glanced towards Sage, but didn't seem bothered by his friend bleeding out on the ground.

     "No." Malia cried, looking at her brother. "Blake."

     "She'll live." Beatrix called, grabbing Malia's attention once more. "But only if you come with us right now. I don't like separating siblings, Malia. And your brother wants nothing more than to be able to have you by his side where he can protect you. But he can't protect you if you're on the wrong side."

     "Malia." Sage gasped, grabbing Malia's hand and shaking her head. "Don't do it, Malia. You hear me? Don't you dare go with them. I went through all this to help you escape, don't go with them and prove it all for nothing." Malia's lips quivered, trying to decide what it is that she should do. She met Sage's eyes when the woman grabbed her arm. "Run."

     Malia looked at her for a moment, a soft cry falling from her lips. "I love you, Sage."

     Sage nodded, managing a small smile. "I know, Mal. I know."

     Malia leaned down, placing a kiss onto Sage's forehead before standing up and facing her brother and Beatrix. For a moment, Sage thought that the girl was going to go with them. She wanted to beg Malia not to. Beatrix smirked. "Good. Now just come over here, and we can get out of this place."

     Malia took a step forward. That's when Sage noticed the gun in the girl's hand, her gun. Sage shook her head. "Malia, no!" Malia didn't listen, instead she pulled out the gun and fired it. Another shot went off right afterwards and a scream left Sage's lips, watching as Malia's head flew back as Blake shot her between the eyes. Sage cried out, watching as Malia fell to the ground, dead.

     "What did you do?!" Sage cried, forcing herself to sit up even though everything hurt. Blake looked at Sage, and she noticed the blank slate on his face. He felt absolutely nothing. He had killed his own flesh and blood, and felt absolutely nothing for it. "You asshole! She had an out! She had a fucking out!"

     Blake shook his head, meeting Sage's eyes. "She never had an out." He raised the gun. "And neither do you." He went to shoot Sage. She closed her eyes, waiting for the impact, waiting for the chance to be able to join Malia. But when the shot came, she never felt any impact. She slowly opened her eyes to see Maria and Roxanne standing there, both of them holding their guns.

Sage looked away from the two before turning towards Malia. She dragged herself over to the girl. Malia's eyes stared blankly up at the sky, her body was already turning cold. Sage checked for a pulse anyways. When she felt nothing, she shook her head and sobs started to escape her lips. She cried over Malia's body, cursing Blake for having killed the little girl. The girl that was supposed to be his sister.

Roxanne made her way carefully over to Sage whilst Maria went to check and make sure that both Blake and Beatrix were dead. Roxanne stopped, tears filling her eyes as she forced herself to look away from Malia's body. She felt nothing but rage, wishing that Malia could've lived the life that Sage had been so close to giving her. She swallowed thickly before kneeling down beside of Sage, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder.

     "Sage," Roxanne whispered.

     "She's gone." Sage snapped. "He killed her." Roxanne had never heard the girl sound so broken in her life, and it made her heart squeeze in her chest. She knew that Malia meant everything to Sage, and having watched the girl die right in front of her was tearing Sage apart.

     "We got to go." Maria joined the conversation, but she kept her tone soft.

     "Not without her." Sage denied, shaking her head as she pulled away. "I won't go without her. Bury her properly."

     "Absolutely." Roxanne agreed before carefully pulling Sage up, finally revealing the wound that Sage had been hiding. Her eyes widened at the amount of blood that covered Sage's body. "She's lost a lot of blood. Sage, what the hell?"

     "I'm sorry." Sage croaked. "I told her to run. Why didn't she run?"

     "Because she's Malia, and her family was hurt." Roxanne answered. "She was trying to protect you. Just like you were trying to protect her. She died in the process of doing that, she died protecting the person she loved the most. She wouldn't have wanted it any other way."

     "I've got Malia." Maria whispered before walking over to the girl and picking her up. Sage wrapped an arm around Roxanne's shoulders, and with that the three women got out of there, the HYDRA building exploding behind them as they did so. Malia was dead, and so was her killer and the person that had recruited her in the first place. And somehow, that seemed to bring Sage comfort.

 And somehow, that seemed to bring Sage comfort

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐑𝐃━︎━︎M. Hill ✓︎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن