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SHE WOKE WITH A GROAN. Her hands were tied behind her back as she was sat there in the chair. She blinked multiple times, forcing herself to clear her vision, and she almost regretted it. Maria Hill was across the room from her, already awake as she too had been taken like Sage had. Sage cursed to herself. Her cover had officially been blown.

     "Well, this is awkward." Sage sarcastically told the woman.

     "Awkward is one word for it." Maria answered, narrowing  her eyes at the woman. 

     Sage smirked slightly. "Who the hell are these people? And why is SHIELD after what they have?"

     "Why is HYDRA?" Maria Hill shot back.

     "Who said anything about HYDRA?" Sage questioned, cocking an eyebrow at the woman.

     Maria rolled her eyes. "Please. You're SHIELD's biggest enemy. Who else is there?" Sage just smirked in response. "You're cover's blown. Might as well tell me your real name now."

     "Sage." She answered. "Sage Daniels."

     "And you're mission, before this one I'm assuming, was to watch me?"

     She shrugged her shoulders. "To get close to you. To kill you. I didn't think it was going to be so easy. I thought I'd have to dig deeper within your walls, but you just let me right in. Why is that, Hill?" Maria glared at her, and Sage smirked.

     "Why?" Maria asked. "Why live like this?"

     "Sweetheart, I'm just a girl that wants to get through life without having to struggle to so in the process."

     "And you chose HYDRA to help you accomplish that?" Maria snapped.

     Sage looked at her for a moment. And instead of coming up with a bullshit excuse, she truthfully answered her. "I chose the person that reached out to me and saved me from being homeless and alone. I didn't know there were more options. I grew up knowing nothing else but HYDRA."

     "And you were told to hate SHIELD." Maria guessed. Sage nodded her head. "We aren't bad people, Sage. We're the good guys. We've done nothing but tried to help the world?"

     "Really?" Sage asked, narrowing her eyes. "Is that why you've slaughtered so many of my people?"

     "They were killed because they were trying to kill us." Maria argued.

     "Because you're a poison to the world!" Sage snapped.

     "Do you just believe everything you're told? Listen to everything you're told to do no matter who it hurts in the end?"

     "Like SHIELD doesn't do the exact same thing."

     "We aren't sent out on kill missions unless we have no other choice. HYDRA, however, does the opposite. You kill because it's fun. You kill because you want a clear path in order to take over the world, allowing you the chance to kill a billion more people in the process."

     "Shut up." She growled.

     "It's the truth. And you're too scared to believe it because you don't want to become one of HYDRA's targets." Maria told the woman.

     "Stop screwing with my head, Hill. I won't hesitate to put a bullet right between your eyes."

     "I don't believe that." Maria shook her head.

     "Do enlighten me, Hill. What do you believe?"

     "I believe that your feelings were truthful. Maybe they were fake at first. But I can see it in your eyes. You're desperately trying to shove them away because you want to prove to your boss that you're worthy and that you can do whatever is asked of you." Maria watched as Sage clenched her jaw, looking down to the ground and Maria knew that she was right. "That doesn't have to be who you are, Sage."  

     "Well, it is. There's no going back now." Sage sighed.

     "But if you had the chance, would you?" Maria questioned. Sage looked back up towards the girl, her eyebrows furrowed. Maria looked at her eyes, searching for something before nodding her head. "There's someone else. The reason why you won't leave. What's their name?"

     "Malia." Sage whispered.

     "I can help you, Sage. I can get you and her out of there. I know that's what you want. That's all you've ever wanted. Let me help you."

     "I don't want your help." Sage growled.

     Maria shrugged. "Maybe not. But you need it. There's a difference. If you want to break yourself and Malia from the chains of HYDRA, you can't do it on your own."

     "Watch me." Sage muttered. Their attention towards the sound of gunfire and grunts right outside of the door. Moments later the door was kicked open to reveal Malia, Roxanne, and Blake. Malia was quick to run over to Sage, untying her from the chair. Sage stood up and looked towards Maria.

     "Good luck getting out of here, Hill." Sage told her before the four were quick to exit leaving the woman to sit there. As she ran through the gunfire, killing anyone that got in her wya, she couldn't help but think about what Malia said. They made it outside and were about to leave when Sage stopped, immediately grabbing the other's attention. She looked towards Malia before glancing back to towards the building.

     "Damnit." The girl muttered, going to turn around.

     "Whoa, hey, where the hell are you going?" Blake snapped at her. "We got what we came for, we have to go."

     "I can't leave her in there." Sage sighed.

     "You're letting your emotions get in the way of our mission. Stop caring about her, she doesn't care about you." Blake snapped.  Sage stood there for a moment and went to turn around, but Blake grabbed onto her arm, his jaw clenched "If you go back for her, you will get us all killed!"

     Sage looked at him for a moment before answering him. "Well, you better run for your life then." With that she yanked her arm from his grasp, and quickly turned around, running back into the building.

And this is the end of part one! I love this story so very much, and I love Sage and the tension between she and Maria. As per usual, this story will be placed on hold until I finish one pet of another story or another story all together! I hope you have all enjoyed this story so far!

 As per usual, this story will be placed on hold until I finish one pet of another story or another story all together! I hope you have all enjoyed this story so far!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐘𝐀𝐑𝐃━︎━︎M. Hill ✓︎Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ