Number One Fan! Interview with BrookeJade

Start from the beginning

First of all thanks for that, and secondly, I would have to say music, I get a lot of ideas from the lyrics of songs, (as clichéd as that sounds) also other people's stories. I don't copy them, but I do get ideas and things, for example: I was reading this story about a vampire and it was written in the POV of a guy, and so I thought I'd give it a try and write a story where the main character was a guy. (That story is 'Two Faced' by the way)

As for things in my life that impact my stories, I don't have a very good relationship with my dad, and if you've ever read 'Paige Tyler and the Time Keepers' you'd know that Paige is always fighting with Marcus, (her dad) and while my dad really isn't that bad, we do fight a lot, so I know what it's like and thought I could play on that a little.

Also, in the last maybe three years, I was going through a bit of a rough patch, (I'm not going to go into detail) and a lot of that has had an effect on my writing.

Sorry I think I got a bit off topic in some places

3.      What's your favorite song?

There are probably too many to name, plus they change all the time so I never really have a favourite song for too long. At the moment it's probably 'We Dance to a Different Disco Honey' by Short Stack; although it's been out for about a month now I just can't get over it. They are a great band and I love them just as much, if not more, than All Time Low.

4.      You have several stories in production at the moment. Which one is your favourite and how do you manage to juggle them all?

In spite of what most people think, Paige Tyler and the Time Keepers ISN'T my favourite story; at least not at the moment. Out of the ones that are on Wattpad, I would have to say (in spite of my lack of uploads) Protecting Lexie is one of my favourites.

HOWEVER I do have another idea for a story which will probably be called 'The Good Girl' (not too sure on the name) Like everything else I write, it will be fantasy. I don't think I'm going to upload it for a while though, I want to write a few chapters first, and finish a story or two.

As for juggling them all, I don't. I am hopeless at writing multiple stories at once and I seriously need to stop, it's a terrible habit that I really need to get out of and I have WAY too many ideas for my own good.

5.      What do you think are your greatest strengths as a writer and your weaknesses?

I would have to say that my greatest strength is also my greatest weakness. I like to describe things in GREAT detail, and a lot of the time I overdo it, and when you over describe, people tend to forget half of it so it might turn them off your story.

On the other hand, people generally get a pretty good idea of how things look and what I'm seeing as I write so that helps.  

6.      Where do you get inspiration for your characters from?

Oh, I like this question, um... my inspiration comes from all over the place, but with Paige in particular it comes from Rose Hathaway from the Vampire Academy series. I LOVE those books and absolutely adore Richelle Mead as a writer.

In all honesty though, most of my characters don't have the personalities that I picture them with, which is a big reason why I'm going to re-write Paige Tyler and the Time Keepers. For example; Shaun is supposed to be an outrageous flirt and hopeless romantic (which he's not in the story, but will be once I'm done) Kade is supposed to be 'the leader', and Beau is supposed to be a bit of a nerd (which is why he works in the library) Alice, who I haven't mentioned enough of as I would like to, is supposed to be really sweet and innocent and then... well I'm not going to say what happens in case someone reads this and they haven't gotten that far yet.

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