Number One Fan! Interview with XxSkater2Girl16xX

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This inteview is with the winner of last year's Watty Awards. XxSkater2Girl16xX. Her story Believe Me, I'm Lying swept a quadruple win including Most Popular. As if that weren't enough, she's also the author of A Proscriptive Relationship. You might be familiar with that, and if so, it's no wonder. APR has well over 7 Million reads!

She currently has three stories in progress; Gold Rush, Inject Me Sweetly, and the sequel to APR, A Surreptitious Relationship. I'm tired just from writing that!

This interview is a great look into her life when she isn't busy writing, and I hope you enjoy reading about one of Wattpad's biggest celebrity writers who just so happens to be a really nice girl.



1.       Tell us about your user name. How did you come up with that and what is the significance?

Well, back in 2007 when I made a Quizilla account I was really big on skateboarding. Hence, skater, and I'm a girl, so skatergirl. The "Xx" thing was in back then too, so that's where those came from. And finally, 16 is my lucky number!

2.       You fit a lot of writing into your day, as well as going to high school. What else do you pack into your schedule and what do you enjoy the most?

Let's see... I like to hang out with my friends, like every other teenager. Or if my mom comes to my house we go to Walmart or something. Four out of five of the days of the week I go down the street to my friend Jake's too, haha. I don't have a very busy schedule though. Unless it's the weekend. Totally different story.

3.       What do plan to do when you finish high school and what career are you planning to pursue? Why do you want to do that and what made you choose it?

It depends. If I get a scholarship, I go to college. If I don't... Well, I don't want to think about that. I'd like to be a microbiologist. I chose it because one day when I was on vacation my very awesome uncle and I were talking, and he was telling me about his job (he's a microbiologist). He made it sound very awesome, and in school, biology was my favorite class, so I decided that's what I wanted to be.

4.       Who has been the biggest influence to you in your life and how?

Hmm... To be completely honest, no one has been a big influence in my life. My older sister dropped out of high school and married someone online, my other sister got pregnant at seventeen, and my parents didn't go to college. It's just been me pushing myself along. My aunts like to spur me on though, telling me I need to do something in my life that will make me rich so I can buy them houses on the beach, haha. This actually sounds sort of depressing... My family is awesome, just not... influencing.

5.       How has being a Wattpad celebrity affected your life?

Er... Besides my friends on Facebook asking me why I'm friends with someone from India, it hasn't affected my life at all. The only time I feel like a Wattpad celebrity is when I'm on Wattpad. Or I look at my friends list on Facebook. Oh, and then there's my friend Avarie who tells me if I could control the world if I got any more famous...

6.       What is your favorite song?

That is such a hard question! I love music way too much to choose a favorite song! It changes constantly. Right now, it's Guardian Angel by Abandon All Ships! But I guess over all it'd be Not Good Enough for Truth or Cliché by Escape the Fate.

7.       Tell us about your writing style. Do you plan everything out or wing it, and how do you manage to keep multiple stories going at the same time?

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