Part 11; Watch me, hold me

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Sweat embedded onto the leather wheel, JFK's hands were shaking as he tightly hung onto it. He was filled with butterflies and he was as nervous as he'd have ever been. His heart racing, his breaths quick and short, his mind invaded by the question;
"What next?" He couldn't bare to speak, he knew he'd tremble and eventually lose the ability to maintain a calm surface.
Van Gogh was seated beside him. He could only imagine what was going on in Jack's mind as he drove quickly yet very steadily to the hospital where Ponce had been taken.
It was a silent trip, but Van felt like he should reassure his friend before they went inside.
"Hey... JFK?" His voice was quiet, but well heard.
JFK turned his head.
"Err uh, yeah?" His voice carried an immense amount of worry, but Gogh could tell he was trying to stay calm.
"You know, everything is going to be okay. I'll be right beside you the whole time." Vin smiled lightly. JFK breathed out, releasing a hand from the wheel and nodded.
"Yeah... You're right. Thanks, Vinny." Jack smiled back and slowly started to drive into a parking spot.
He and Van unbuckled their seatbelts.
"Here we go." JFK said quietly to himself as he opened the car door and stepped out.
Vincent followed close behind as he walked towards the building and pushed open the door for the both of them.
The establishment was well kept and very organized. Shelves were stacked alphabetically with files and the seats were in neat rows of five. It smelled like roses.
JFK walked towards reception, Vincent following as he looked around.
"Hello, how may I help you today?" The receptionist had a beautiful, soft voice. She sounded calm and kind.
"Err uh, we're here for uh, Ponce de Léon. Please and thank you." He added quickly before lowering his gaze, keeping unmet with the lady, who smiled and nodded.
"Of course, you must be his close friends he was so thrilled to hear about. Right this way."
She stepped out of the enclosed area and led the two to a small, neat waiting room. There were red chairs and a tidy, carpeted floor.
"The doctor will be out momentarily to let you in." She explained, gesturing to a door labeled "Room 67".
Vincent seated himself in the last row at the far back, JFK nervously following as the nice lady walked back to her front desk.
A males voice and approaching footsteps could be heard from behind the door. This was it.
JFK fidgeted nervously with his hands, Van was sitting calmly and watching a clock.
Jack slid his hand onto Gogh's and grasped it firmly. He didn't make any eye contact, but rather just squirmed in his seat as he watched the door carefully.
Van's face grew red, but didn't hesitate to return the embrace. He smiled and was obviously heart warmed.
JFK seemed to calm down and relax a little as he felt Vincent hold his hand back. He let himself smile a bit.
Finally, the door started to open and JFK's grip tightened. Gogh could tell he was scared, in response, he rubbed his thumb against Jack's hand, trying to remind him it would be okay.
A tall doctor came out, he had a clean, white coat and the usual attire you'd expect a medical professional to be equipped with.
"Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Gogh? He's ready." His voice was very delicate and soothing.
Jack nodded and stood up, Vincent following his actions. JFK stood close to Gogh, as if they were glued together as they followed the doctor down a hall where four rooms laid ahead.
The doctor stood beside the door to the back on the left side, it was labeled "Room D".
JFK paused, once again squeezing Vincent's hand as he finally started towards the door slowly. He pushed it open, and suddenly his heart stopped as his eyes were met with a bed, Ponce sitting in it, dressed in a gown and multiple tubes.
Van Gogh stayed by the entrance as he watched JFK rush over to his friend, kneeling beside him.
"Ponce! You're awake! Oh, I missed you so much, pal!" He buried his face into Ponce's chest as they shared a hug.
Ponce's face was lit up and a wide smile was plastered to it.
"Jacky boy! I've missed you too, man!" His voice was rough, but it still had the soft, heartfelt tone as always.
JFK pulled back and sniffled, his face was red and tears were rolling down his cheeks.
His voice was shaky.
"I thought you were gonna die... Oh, Ponce..."
He hugged him again, tightly. Ponce chuckled, and pulled JFK close, then pushed him forward  so their faces could meet.
"I couldn't just leave you like that , man. You know I wouldn't go without at least saying goodbye." His smiled didn't fade whatsoever.
JFK smiled back and wiped away the tears.
"I'm so glad you're back..." he replied softly.
Jack's fathers had an arm wrapped over each other's shoulder, smiling as they watched.
Van Gogh was smiling too, it made him feel warm inside to see his friends reunite.
JFK stood up and looked over at Gogh, who started towards them. JFK couldn't help but pull him into a tight hug, holding him closely.
"Oh, Vinny! He's awake. You were right! I... I love you, Vincent!" His confession was genuine and unexpected.
Jack's parents gasped and smiled lovingly as they held each other. Ponce chuckled and continued to watch the scene unfold.
Vincent froze for a moment, his heart stopped and his face turned a bright red.
"I love you too, Jack." Vincent finally spoke, hugging JFK back.
John pulled back a little and gazed into Vincent's eyes, he had a big, goofy smile across his face. He finally decided enough was enough and pulled Gogh in for a kiss.
Vincent's eyes widened, but he closed them and didn't waste any time returning it. Both of their faces were a bright shade of red.
Jack's parents were in awe. Ponce's jaw dropped, but was quick to cheer him on.
"Yeah, Jack! Atta' boy!" He laughed lightheartedly.
Gogh and John finally pulled away from each other. Jack stepped back and his hands buried in his pockets. He was smiling like an idiot and just stared at the floor.
Vincent's eyes were lit up, he headed towards one of the chairs beside Ponce and sat.
"You were right, Ponce. I never would've thought... Thank you so much. This would've never happened without your help." Gogh spoke to his friend quietly as the doctor entered the room with Ponce's foster dad. The group of adults began chatting and the room wasn't so silent anymore. It was like a mini reuniting party.
JFK walked over to Ponce and Vincent shyly, sitting beside the two, still blushing uncontrollably. This made Ponce laugh a little.
"Wow, Jack. You did it. You finally did it. I'm proud of you, man." He reached over to pat JFK on the shoulder as a sign of congratulation.
"I err uh... Yeah. I guess I did." JFK reached for Vincent's hand, who didn't hesitate to quickly grab his back and grin happily.

The End.

JFGogh (SFW) Series Finale जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें