Part 2; Big news

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JFK stands by his pastel yellow colored locker, Cleo leaning beside him, gazing into his eyes as he rambles on about how great he is.
Abe, the clone of Abraham Lincoln, scoffs from across them. His friend Joan D'Arc longingly listens as he tells her about how he'd make a much better boyfriend than JFK.
"You know, Abe, Cleo is just using JFK for popularity. Why would you want to be with someone like her? I'm sure there are plenty of other girls who would love to be with you.. Maybe specifically someone with say, I don't know, short pink hair..?" Joan explains, hoping Abe would get the idea.
"No, she's the one. She's hot, attractive, proud, smart, did I mention extremely attractive? I think it's about time I make a move. JFK doesn't deserve someone like her!" Abe replies, making his way across the hall while Cleo and JFK continue to speak. Joan frustratedly storms off.
"Hey, Cleo, why be with some measly brick head when there's someone with sideburns as long as these right here?" Abe says cockily. Cleo raises a brow and observes his face, gasping as soon as she notices his slightly longer facial hair.
"Wow, Abe. I never knew you were honest AND good looking!" She replies excitedly.
"Yep, that's just me, good looking Abe!"
JFK shoots Lincoln a look of anger and competitiveness before pulling his shirt up, revealing his chiseled abs.
"Well, I have a stone hard six pack!" He exclaims. Cleo gazes upon his jaw dropping abs.
"I don't know, those are pretty hard abs... I need some time to think this over! I need to be alone and possibly consult a random stranger of whom I encounter in these long, vintage hallways, possibly another female of which can guide me on this complex decision!" Cleo quickly replies before dashing away from the two as if she had read it off of a script.
JFK reaches an arm out as she leaves, then turns to Abe. He clenches his fist and gets close to him, trying to look threatening.
"That broad is all mine, Lincoln! Get your own or I'll sock you one!" JFK sounded frustrated, but inside he knew it was always the same routine every day. Abe trying to get Cleo, JFK giving him a beating and Cleo somehow ending back up with him. He craved for something new.
As if on queue, the bell would ring, but this time it sounded different. The microphone would sent high pitched feedback to which everyone responded by annoyed groans and blocking their ears.
"I told you it wasn't that button!" Mr. Butlertron's voice sounded slightly annoyed, but it was obvious he enjoyed Scudworth's ignorance.
"Oh, hush Mr. B- Oh we're on! Uh, hello dear clones, it is I, your admirable principal Mr. Scudworth! As per requested by my... Consultant, there will be a mid-year dance on Friday. You know the rules, no drinking, smoking, blah blah. It's not like I can stop you really, you teenagers are so rebellious."
The intercom ended, and excited whispers could be heard all along the hallways.
Abe would smile and dash away, probably thinking of some new way to dazzle Cleo and convince her to the dance with him. JFK had an idea, what if he secretly let Abe take Cleo, and he found a different date? Of course! There was no way this could go wrong! He just had to find a willing candidate who wasn't just looking for a one night stand with him. He needed someone who would actually bring something new into his life, something exciting. But who?
Van Gogh hastily makes his way through the halls, his locker being right in the middle of the set. It was unfortunate for him, but at least he could hear everything what
was going on in the school. To his far right, he saw JFK with a sneaky expression on his face. It was odd, but he wasn't really focused on that, more so just getting to class already and getting this day over with.
He reluctantly trudged to his classroom, passing by everyone. In his mind, it was an infinite loop of judgement and staring when it came to him. He only hoped it wouldn't be this bad at the newly announced dance. It was sudden, but maybe this Friday would be the day everything changed. Maybe it would be the day that he went to the dance worried and came back home with a lady clinging to his arm and all his fear conquered!
Here he was, in his thoughts again. He hadn't even realized he was frozen in the middle of the now empty hallway, eyes closed and smiling to himself. Great, he was late. Well, at least he wasn't the only one. JFK and Julius Caesar were also behind, Julius was practically completely inside of his locker sleeping and JFK was looking at himself in the mirror, surprisingly.
JFK finally started for the classroom, patting Julius on the back as he walked by snickering. Gogh panicked as he neared, he turned for the class but just by chance, he dropped his books. He thought it couldn't get any worse, his anxiety was through the roof. Suddenly, a voice from behind startled him.
"I err uh, never thought I'd see Van Gogh late for class!" JFK chuckled.
"I uh..." Van was at a loss for words.
"What's wrong, Vincent? Cat got your uh, tongue? Well, at least let me help you up." JFK reached down at Gogh's arm and hoisted him up. Vincent's face was burning from embarrassment as he quickly picked up his books.
"Thanks..." Van would manage to stutter out while he shuffled backwards a little shyly.
"Yeah, anytime. Say, uh, that dance Friday sounds pretty err, neat. Hope I'll catch ya there!" Replied JFK happily. Van was overwhelmed, but flattered that someone as popular as Kennedy would help him and hope to see him again, even if it was out of pity as he thought.
"Yeah, maybe..." Vin felt something inside. For the first time in a long time, he felt like he was somewhat wanted here. He was actually excited for the dance. It was so rare when someone could manage to make him feel happy.

Authors note:
Sorry for this long chapter guys. I just really felt like it worked :) Anyways, I'm really glad with how it's going. I used some line references from the show. And yes I'm aware I went with the cliche hallway meeting lol, it was kind of hard to think of a meeting between the two since they're so different but I think it worked well! And at the end it's actually so cute with Van I love it. Anyways, more coming very soon!

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