Part 3; Art project or whatever

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Upon entering the dull, silent classroom, JFK winked at a few girls and shot a toothy grin at the teacher, Mr. Sheepman, who rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. To his surprise, JFK was followed by his best art student, Van Gogh. He looked surprised, but gestured them both to some seats at the far back.
"Well, well, well, look who finally decided to join us. Van Gogh.. And JFK. Just don't be late again, please..." His voice was tired, he looked as though this class was a waste of his time and simply just a lost cause.
Van Gogh's face grew red as he sunk into his seat.
"And for you, Mr. Kennedy? Oh, has anyone seen Julius Caesar either? He better not be late too or I'm just gonna freak..." The human/sheep splice continues, scratching his wooly head.
"Err uh, oops." JFK responded, shrugging as he set his crossed legs onto the desk and relaxed into his seat, to which the teacher simply just shook his head.
"Anyways, since you're both hopefully the last to show up, you'll be working together for the upcoming art project!" The teacher explained excitedly.
Van Gogh's eyes widened as he glanced at the cocky jock, who just shrugged and continued what looked like day dreaming, or simply just thinking about himself. He was worried, and admittedly scared. He had already unfortunately bumped into JFK, what are the odds he'd have to work on an entire project with him? The more he thought about it, the more he grew anxious.
"Oh, uh.. Okay.." Vincent's voice trembled as he forced a nervous smile.
"Great! It's due Thursday. You can come up and get the instruction sheets. And uh, sorry if there are some bite marks... I kind of got hungry aha.." The teacher chuckled nervously before continuing with the class.
Van Gogh and the other students, besides JFK, got up and retrieved the sheets. He nearly had a heart attack going back to his seat when he was suddenly stopped by JFK's large hand tapping him on the arm. Gogh turned and faced the jock.
"So uh, after school we can err, start on this project, if you'd uh, like?" JFK's voice sounded just as it did earlier when he helped him up. Kind. Vin smiled, this time he didn't have to force himself.
"Yeah, uh, that sounds great- good. That sounds good I mean..." His heart raced. Great? Really? He didn't want to sound desperate. After all, maybe this could be his gateway to a path of confidence and maybe even finding someone to share it with.
"Meet me in the err uh, parking lot!" JFK smiled. This Van Gogh guy seemed interesting. He never thought someone as popular as him would end up hanging out with someone as isolated as Vincent. He wasn't going to complain, though. Maybe he could help JFK get some quieter girls, as in, less focused on his appearance and social status. Van Gogh was quiet, right? He was bound to know some. This seemed perfect.
JFK smiled as Gogh nodded and quickly made his way back to his desk.
Van Gogh was excited now. JFK really wasn't all that much of a jerk so far but regardless, his anxiety levels had never been higher. Hanging out with the most popular guy at school at his house? There were so many ways this could go wrong. But, if all went well, he was going to be a changed man in the end. For the rest of the day, he felt a little happier each time he thought of finally not being a social outcast.
JFK didn't think much of it. He'd have hung out with Ponce a million times, how could this be any different? It'd be over with before he knew it. All he could think about now was accepting that some loser like Abe was dating Cleo. HIS Cleo.
"No, stop. She ain't err uh, yours no more, pal. Let her go for that chowder head Lincoln. You'll err, be getting a finer broad later on!" He snickered.
Finally, after what felt like ten thousand hours, the bell rang. It was time to get this operation going.

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