Nothing but Trouble

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"Please he isn't just after me but Tyler." Bella says with fake sadness to her voice.

"That is where you are wrong. He is only after you! I made sure my mate was protected from him. He couldn't smell or hear Tyler's heart beat!" I say with a growl as I look at Bella as she looks shocked at me.

"You could have protected me, why didn't you?" She yells, taking a step closer to me. I throw Edward across the room again and look at her.

"Why would I protect you... You are nothing to me!" I say looking at her with a smug smile.

"Get over yourself Bella. Not everything is about you. Not everyone wants you here. Not everyone wants to protect you!" Tyler says looking at Bella. "Remember you are not a mate, you are a blood singer. He only wants your blood!" He says as he walks out of the room.

"It should not be our family that protects her, it is you. You wanted to bring her today. You wanted to be with her. So you protect her by yourself." I say walking up to him. "This is your fault!" I say before leaving the room.

 "This is your fault!" I say before leaving the room

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"She is right, you know... Carlisle did say that." I say as everyone is looking at Edward who looks defeated. "And she is right we tried to talk you out of being around her. But she is here because of you. And now my daughter's mate has been exposed because of her." I say pointing at Bella. "What is it going to take Edward... Hasn't Bella done enough damage. I mean she has tried to break up Tyler and Amara I don't know how many times... She has forced herself on us and now this." I say as Emmett puts a hand on my shoulder. I shake him off. "No! I agree with Amara. It is his fault he needs to fix it by himself." I say as Jasper nods in agreement with me.

"Rosalie... I know you don't like her but please help me save her?" Edward says as I scoff at him.

"Why should I when she has brought nothing but problems since she moved here." I growl at him. "I will protect those I care about. She isn't one of them." I said with another growl.

"Edward..." Carlisle starts to say but Edward just growls at him.

"Please I don't want to die... Maybe you could just turn me..." Bella says with hope in her voice.

"And there it is... See Edward she is only using us so she can be one of us." I say as Edward is looking at her shocked. Tyler walks back into the room.

"Your a fucking bitch! Using what the egg donor said against him. That's low even for you." He says as he walks up to Bella. She steps back from him as Edward steps in front of her.

"She had to!" Edward says looking sad.

"No she didn't! She could have said that she was going to sleep over to get to know Alice, Rosalie and Amara. Anything but that. I hope you do die at this vampire's hands. That is what you deserve." Tyler yells at him before leaving the room again.

"I will go, keep watch over Tyler's father... Make sure James doesn't get to him." Jasper says looking at Carlisle who nods his head. I watch Alice and Jasper leave to protect Tyler's father.

"Carlisle please!" Edward says begging for help.

"Edward, I will help you protect... But once she is safe you need to cut all contact with her." Carlisle says with a sad smile as Edward nods his head in agreement. Since it was already agreed to before he brought her over.

"Wait what?" Bella yells she is clearly angry now. "No! You can't do that!" She yells at Carlisle and Edward.

"Bella lets go!" Edward says, pulling her to his room. I look at Emmett who signs as we both know that she will not stop until she is one of us. I walk upstairs and see Amara and Tyler fast asleep in each other's arms. I move to close the door only to see Bella standing there looking at them with envy in her eyes. I lock the door before I close it, to make sure she can't get in there later. I do not trust this girl, not with my daughter and son. I glare at her as she glares at me.

"If I can't be here then neither should he. It is only fair. I didn't do anything wrong!" She said and I scoffed at her.

"He is a mate, not some nasty trashy blood singer. He will always be more important than you to us." I said and I could see that it hurt her. Good I hope it hurts her. She has hurt my daughter enough! Edward sighs as he pulls her back into his room.

"We need to move their room. I don't like her being close to Edward anymore." Emmett says and we hear something break in Edward's room. I smiled as I hoped he knew he had lost our trust in him.

"I agree with you!" I said as Bella came out with Edward. He looked at us hurt before taking her hand and pulling her away.

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