"my name is kasie" lia said looking up at them.


  alright so one has on a ski mask with hazel eyes , another had curly hair and was lightskin with brown eyes, there was a tall one with dark brown eyes and a nose piercing and the last one was short with blue eyes and blonde hair.


   God damn bitch you got all of that from looking at them one time , hell with that type of memory you could be a damn FBI agent.

   ok just wait for them to slip up and when they do stick to the plan


   Already on it captain sir ma'am

    "who is they" one voice said.

      "The people who kidnapped us we tried to escape but they said if we did we die" I said sniffling.

   "Alright come out of the closet" one of the deeper voices said. I'm guessing they all turned around and started to walk out because Lia sent me the signal.

     Lia & Ashley at the same time: "Dumb bitch"

      Lia grabbed the bat from behind her and swung the shit like she was in the baseball playoffs. She hit two of the men sending them on the floor and I grabbed the taser I took before we got in the closet and tased the short one to the floor.

   "weak bitch" Lia said stomping on the two shit hit.

   I grabbed the gun from the boy I tased pockets and held it up to the last tall one while standing on the shorter ones neck.

    "You move or do anything stupid and on paw patrol imma set this bitch off" I said cocking the gun.

    "Hey kasie you tied then up" I asked still holding my attention at the taller one.

   "yup just waiting on you chief " lia said walking up behind me.

   "I'll handle this one you tie the ones neck I'm standing on down" I said getting off of his neck.

    I walked up to the taller one from a safe distance. "So the fuck y'all doing here make the explanation clean and nice or I'll bust a cap in yo ass" I said aiming the gun at him.

     "Yea what she said TALK BITCH" lia said in the background making me chuckle.

    The tall dude smirked at Lia's comment and began to speak. "since I'm not sure if your bluffing I'm not saying a damn thing the fuck I look like snitching because a bitch with a gun told me t-"

   I cut him off by shooting him in his upper leg. "A bitch with a WHAT , oh cause i thought a bitch who leg got shot said sum" I said smartly quirking my eyebrow at him.

    "fuck ok damn, listen we came here on some mission type shit to rob ole dude and his friend" he said holding his leg in pain.

    "Who's the fuck sent y'all and I'd advise no more smart comments because I'm ready to blow yo shit" Lia said dragging the boys she tied up.

   "speak nice and fast unless you wanna be a registered disabled bitch without good walking legs" I said stepping closer to him

    "Who the fuck sent y'all I won't repeat it again" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice....

    Yes I did leave y'all on a cliffhanger 😏 LFNAOAOAO

    who y'all think sent them?

    Y'all want another update ? If you do just say that🙄

   but until then see you in the next chapter

   ily all🤠💕

        peath out☃️


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