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One Month Later

Brylee is thirty weeks today and I can't believe that's its almost time to meet our baby only two more months.

It's getting harder for Brylee to sleep and she's having these weird cravings like pickles and ice cream together it's weird but it's what she want's and every time.

She wakes me up at 3:00 am I go and get it for her. We are getting ready for bed right now I'm laying down reading a book Pride and Prejudice one of my favorite books to read.

When Bry walk out of the bathroom she's wearing a baby pink nightgown and damn does she look good. She catches me staring at her and raises an eyebrow.

"Like what you see" she ask and bite her lip and I groan
"I love what I see come here baby" I say in a husky voice and she comes to me and straddles my lap and I put my hands on her hips her belly is big it almost touches my stomach.

I lean down a little and kiss her belly and Ryker kicks my lips.
"Hi baby why don't you close your eyes for daddy while I do some naughty things to your mommy" I say and Brylee hits my chest

"Don't say stuff like that"she says and I leans up to kiss her lips and she moans when I bite her lip my hand run down her thighs and I squeeze a little and she moans
"God" she says and I raise her nightgown over her head. She's not wearing a bra which she doesn't to bed but damn I love her boobs

"Gosh I love you boobs" I say and lean in and lick her nipple and she basically screams
"Ahhh god there...sensitive"she says and I bite it a little and lick it to sooth the pain

"Do you want me to stop?" I ask
"God no keep going" she says in a moany voice. I switch breast and do the same thing to that one that I did to the other and I lay her back on the bed and stay on my side and run a hand down her thigh. When I reach her center it's soaked

"Damn baby your soaked" I say and go to pull her panties
"That's what you do to me baby" she says and moans we she feels my breath hit her wet center.

I lick up her slit and stop at her clit and suck on it till she's screaming
"Ahhh shit baby I'm....going too cummmmm" she screams when she cums I  lick her up like a starved man. When I'm done I lay beside her and kiss her forehead

"I love you get some sleep" I say and turn off the lights right before I fall in a deep sleep I hear her whisper.
"Night love you too" she whispered and I fall into a deep sleep.

A Week Later

Brylee is thirty one weeks and she is the most crankiest I have ever seen her.
The other day she threw a bottle at me for just saying that she should sit down.
I get dressed and walk downstairs and look for her she's not in the living room or the kitchen. I look in the laundry room and there she is folding clothes.

"Babe what are you doing?" I ask she turns her head and looks at me
"Folding clothes" she says and goes back to it

"Are you almost ready for school?" I ask and she stops what she's doing and shakes her head
"I don't want to go" she says in a whisper I wrap my hand around her wrist and turn her towards me and see tears in her eyes

"What's wrong baby" I ask and she shakes her head again
"Look at me I'm fat and....just don't make me go" she says and I bring her head down on my chest when her belly touches my stomach the baby kicks her hard and she winces.

"He's active today" I ask and she nods her head
"Yeah I've been having some pain in my lower back. You should go to school I'll be fine here." She says and I shake my head

"I don't want you by your self at least let me call Mia?" I ask and she nods her head. I pull my phone out of my jacket pocket and dial Mia's number she answers on the second ring

"Hello" she says on the other line
"Hi Mia I have a favor" I say
"Can you come over and sit with Brylee while I go to school I'm going to see if we can get her on home schooling or something so she can graduate." I say

"Of course I'll be there in five minutes" she says and I hang up and go to Brylee and grabs her hand a drag her to the living room. She sits down on the couch and I sit next to her.

"You are not fat your carrying our baby and that's a wonderful thing so don't ever say your fat Okay." I day and she nods her head and I kiss her forehead

"Do you want your drawing IPad?" I ask
"Yes please" she whispers and I go upstairs to get it and when I hit the bottom of the stairs the door bell rings I go and answer it and it's Mia

"Hi Mia" I say and she nods and I let her in
"Hi has she had breakfast yet?" She ask and I shake my head and Mia goes to the kitchen and I walk back to the living room and hand Bry her IPad.

"Okay I'm leaving I love you and let Mia do the laundry okay" I say and give her a kiss on the lips and get ready to walk out of the room

"I love you too and I will, I'll stay on the couch and draw, have fun at school" she says and I say bye to Mia and leave for school.

I Promise  (Book 1) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant