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I walk back down stairs to give the girls privacy till they come down to eat breakfast.
I made french toast and bacon and some fruit.

A couple of minutes later I hear the front door close and in comes Brylee with Ryker.
"Hey she didn't want breakfast?" I ask and she shakes her head
"What's wrong?" I ask a little worried
"She's moving to England next week." She says in a whisper
"What why?" I ask
"She said that she needs to get away."
"Does Riley know?" I ask and hand her the plate of food I made for her

"I think that's where she was going. He's going to be heartbroken." She says with a sign and starts eating while still holding Ryker.
"You want me to take him?" I ask and she shakes her head no I nod my head and start eating too.

Three Days Later
Knock knock I hear someone knocking on the front door. I go to open the door and Riley is standing there.

"Hi" he says
"Hey what are you doing here?" I ask cause I didn't expect him and I know Bry didn't cause she's not here.
"I brought beer" he says and I open the door a little more for him to come in.

"I'm guessing Jo talked to you?" I ask
"Yeah she came to see me a couple of days ago but I'm guessing you already know what it was about." He says and sits on the couch and opens a beer then hands one to me.

"Yeah I know she came to see Brylee a couple of days ago too."
"How did my sister take it?" He asked
"Better then I thought she would" i say
"Probably better then me. I don't know what I did wrong." He says and I put a hand on his shoulder

"You didn't do anything wrong. I just think she's going through something." I say and he signs and takes a really long drink of beer
"Maybe or it's just me. My last girlfriend cheated on me maybe that's what's wrong with Jo she dumped me so she wouldn't hurt my feelings." He says and I shake my head

"No I don't think that's it" I say and we sit in silence for an hour before he falls asleep on the couch.

One Hour Later
I hear the front door open and in a couple of minutes Brylee walks in with Ryker in his car seat in the kitchen.

"Why is my brother passed out on the couch?" She ask she sits Rykers car seat on the counter and I walk over to get him out.
"Well he showed up with beer. Jo talked to him he's a little upset." I say and kiss Ryker on the forehead

"Yeah she called me I'm not getting in the middle of it they have to figure it out." She says and sits down on the stool to the kitchen counter.

"I think that's best Babe. What do you want for dinner?" I ask
"" She ask and I laugh at her
"You always want pizza" I say
"It's so good I can't help it" she says and I laugh

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial the number to the pizza place and order it.

"It's on it's way" I say and she looks up from playing with Ryker. I walk over to them.

"Hi little guy" I say and he gives me a teeth less grin
"Have you been good for mommy today?" I ask and he make little noises like he's talking

"Tell daddy all about it little man" I say
"So I was thinking that we could go on a little getaway" I say and look and Brylee she looks at me with frowned eyebrows

"And what would we do with the baby?" She ask
"Well your dad said he can take him for two days or we can take him with us." I say

"Ok but I rather have Ryker with us because I'm still breastfeeding and I don't want to be away with out him" she says an I nod my head in understanding

"Okay that's fine I rather him go with us too" I say

I Promise  (Book 1) Where stories live. Discover now