Alucard step in front of me, "I'm afraid she can't do..."

   "It's alright. I want to hear what he has to say." I interrupted him. "I will take you up on that offer."

   "Great! We'll depart in one hour!" He started to walk away and put a pipe in his mouth then he stopped. "At my manor, you'll find out everything your father has to say. You as well Alucard." He walked away into the mist.

   "Me?" Alucard said pointing to himself.

  "Well let's get going." I said pulling on his arm trying to guide him to the car.

   We were heading back to the hotel. "So is my uncle an old friend of yours?" I asked.

   "I wouldn't say friend but he did give me blood and would tend to my aid." He responded.

   "Oh! He seemed confident in what he's going to tell us back in London." I said biting my thumb. "I'm actually a bit afraid of what he has to say."

   "Sir Integra!!!" Seras yelled running to her carpool. "Have you seen master and Alice? I couldn't find them anywhere." She whined.

   "They went to Alisis' family at their cemetery to pay their respects." She explained.

   "Oh, really?" Seras said crossing her arms. "Master really has become attached to her." She started holding her cheeks and swaying her body.

   "Quite. His feelings just better not get in the way of his work. Now get in we have a plane to catch." She said holding the door open.

   "Yes ma'am!" She said blushing about Alisis' relationship with her master.

    Alucard was on the phone with Integra. "Her uncle appeared at the cemetery, if i recall his name was Stephen Heinz."

   "THAT OLD BASTARDS STILL ALIVE?!?" She blew his ear off.

   "It appears so."

   "What does he want?" She asked.

  "He said he had a message for her from her father. A message if he were to ever be killed."

  "The message?" She demanded.

   "He didn't say. This is why I am asking you for permission to go with him."

   "Sure, why not? Do come back in one piece." She demanded him.

   "Yes...master." He was about to hang up until Seras grabbed the phone from Integra.


   Alucard was silent for a moment before answering. "....Policewoman."

   "Hi, Seras!" I said hogging the phone from him. "We have to get going, enjoy your flight home!"

   "You too..and master! Goodbye!" She said before leaving.

   "Good bye Alucard, Alisis." Integra said before hanging up.

    We made it to Uncle's plane. He was waiting outside of the plane with his hands in his trench coat pockets and his pipe in his mouth.

   "I thought you might would have ditched me. Hahahahaa!" He said laughing while coughing.

   "Your 'message' was interesting. I had to listen to it." I said.

   "As of I." Alucard added.

   "Right, right! Shall we?" He gestured for us to get on the plane.

   The plane was big and white every where. But it was a beauty, it kind of brought back memories as a child. Heinz sat across from Alucard and I. A woman brought Alucard and Heinz a drink. She gave me a jealous look but I ignored her ignorance.

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