Eh... Grow those bigger....?

My eyes widen as I covered my chest with my arms, a blush painting my cheeks.

"I-Idiot! Where do you think you're looking!" I stuttered as glared at my friend, my face beet red, "Baka! What are you thinking! I wasn't drinking milk for that reason!"

Killua snickered as he pointed his fork at me while his face was rested in his propped elbow, "That wasn't what I saw, I really don't think you need it though, wait, but you could grow few inches taller."

My cheeks seemed to grow hotter if it's even possible as I scowled at Killua, "You're just few inches taller than me!"

The silver haired teen rolled his eyes, "Nah, I could place my chin on your head, that's more than few inches."

I bit my lips knowing he was right. He's is taller than me by a head....

"Oi, it's almost time to meet Gon and Leolio."

I frowned and pulled out my phone checking the time, "Eh, you're right, we should start heading over there...."

With my blue eyes I watched in amazement as Killua scarfed down the rest of his pancakes before drinking his orange juice in one gulp.



"YOU IDIOT!!!!" Killua and I screamed as we glared at Gon who was looking at us with his large brown eyes filled with fear.

"You left your hunters license to loan out money?" I groaned as I pinched the bridge of my nose, the headaches are coming...


Killua growled and smacked his fist on Gon's head.

"Ite! Killua!!!"

"Don't 'Ehehe' us! Are you an idiot?" Killua yelled, pointing a finger at Gon's face.

I turned my glare towards Leolio and pointed my finger at the older man, "And you! Why didn't you try to stop him!"

Leolio sweat dropped and raise his hand up in surrender, "H-Hey! Don't blame me!"

"But Killua! Nijika!" Gon whined showing us a thick book, "I got the 100 million and bought a catalogue!"

Killua and I shared a look before sighing. Jeez.... We really can't just leave him...

"Hah," I sighed and massaged my temple, "Alright, we need to go get your license back, let's go." I state as Killua and I exit the park.

Gon and Leolio give me an questioning look as they follow us.

"How are you going to pay them back?" Gon questioned as he walked beside me.

Killua threw his arms over his head as he walked between Gon and I.

"What do you think we were doing all night? We obviously were making money," Killua matter of factually stated as he waved Gon's question off.

Leolio caught up to us as he walked beside me, "So how much did you make?" Leolio suddenly grinned as he wiggled his eyebrows, "You guys were gone the whole night, you sure you guys didn't do anything inappro-"

I glared at the older man, my hands landing at the katana at my side, "Don't even think about finishing the sentence if you don't want your suit turning into shreds. I haven't had any practice with this baby yet, I can't assure you that the only thing I would be cutting is the suit," I threatened as I unsheathed a bit of the sharp weapon.

Leolio visibly gulped as he loosened the tie around his neck.


I nodded and sheathed the Katana while giving him an closed eye smile, "Apology accepted, anyways we made 4 billion."