He was brought back to reality when he heard the sound of clashing metal. Ikari Gozen and Blaze were locked in combat with Blaze trying very hard not to push off of her right leg. Chat Noir watched as Ikari Gozen reared up on her hind legs and kicked Blaze across the street. Blaze slid across the hard concrete and lay still, her hair spread out on the road.

"No!" Screamed Chat Noir.

He had had enough. He ran towards Ikari Gozen and jumped up delivering a roundhouse kick straight to the villain's face. She stumbled back but managed to keep her ground.

Chat Noir saw Blaze stir out of the corner of his eyes. Still, he kept on battling the villain. He saw Blaze struggle to her feet as the final warning of her Miraculous went up.

"Get out of here!" Yelled Chat Noir pushing Ikari Gozen back.

Blaze stumbled to her feet and jumped behind a bush just as a red glow marked her detransformation.

Marinette, despite all her injuries, took out her Ladybug Miraculous and transformed into Ladybug. Knowing that she'd need an item to restore the city, Ladybug called on her Lucky Charm. She didn't throw her yoyo in the air but kept it close beside her trying to hide her identity from Chat Noir and the villain.

Ladybug peeked through the bush as Chat Noir brought out his baton and slammed it onto Ikari Gozen's sword arm. Howling in pain, the villain dropped the bokken onto which Chat Noir jumped, breaking it in two. He saw the Akuma flutter out of the bokken and captured it in his hand reducing it to ashes.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Shouted Ladybug throwing the Lucky Charm in the air while Chat Noir was distracted.

Ladybug watched as the ladybugs repaired all the damage and swooped in towards her to cure her. She felt all of her wounds close up and sighed as the tingling sensation left her body. Ladybug quickly detransformed into Marinette and sat behind the bush.

Despite his ring giving off his second warning, Chat Noir ran over to Blaze who was still hiding behind the bush.

"Marinette?!" Sighed Chat Noir relieved to see that all her wounds were gone.

Chat Noir jumped behind the bush and wrapped Marinette in a tight hug. Chat sighed into Marinette's hair and stroked her back gently reminding himself that she was okay.

"Don't do that to me ever again, okay?" Asked Chat pulling away from the hug.

Marinette smiled but her smile turned into a frown when she heard Chat Noir's ring flash his second to last warning.

"I better get going. But I'm coming back." Said Chat jumping out of the bush and running into an alley.

Chat Noir's final warning ran loud and clear as he detransformed into Adrien. Without a word, Plagg zoomed into Adrien's pocket to grab some Camembert. Plagg emerged with a full stomach after a few seconds and floated in front of Adrien.

"Say the words." Said Plagg.

Adrien was shocked to hear those words from Plagg since he was the laziest cat Adrien had ever seen. But without hesitating, Adrien once again transformed into Chat Noir and leapt back towards where Marinette was.

Meanwhile, Marinette placed the Dragon Miraculous in her side purse and transformed into Ladybug. So when Chat Noir returned, he saw Ladybug leaning against a tree waiting for him.

"What is wrong with you?!" Shouted Chat Noir.

Ladybug stiffened at the boy's tone. She had never seen him this angry. He was stomping towards her, fists balled and mouth twisted into a frown. His eyes were slits and burned with pure rage.

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