A light jingle from the doorknob rips me out of my thoughts and pulls me back into reality. I feel my stomach violently churn in my abdomen as the door is slightly cracked open, the sunlight bursting into the dark room right as the door opens.

I feel my heart sink and my stomach feel quite upset as Jai fully pulls the door open as he flashes me one of his signature smiles. I roll my eyes and give him a quick nod before walking straight into Jason's apartment. I hear the door click shut behind me as I make my way over to the couch, taking a seat on the edge and crossing my legs.

"Um.. hey?" Jai awkwardly scratches the back of his neck as he stands over me. He is dressed in a regular black t-shirt and tight black skinny jeans with his black lace up boots. He does not look that bad...

"Where's Jason and Elizabeth?" I snap, my voice coming out as harsh as I intended it to be. There is no time to waste.

"Jason has been letting my stay here for a couple of days while he is out on a quick vacation with Elizabeth." Jai explains, his tongue playing with the metal on his lip as he speaks.

"And they are missing classes?" I ask in disbelief. Elizabeth was never the one to miss out on any of her assignments for somebody else.

"Obviously." Jai shrugs, taking a sip from the water bottle in his hands as he plops down onto the couch a little too close to me. I clear my throat and scoot further away from him, giving us some distance. "How have you been, Ariana?" Jai asks after a few beats of silence. Is he serious? Does he think he is going to have a civilized conversation with me after everything that has happened?

"Let's cut to the chase, Jai." I snap, my eyes lowering as I keep my eyes glued to him. "I don't want you to waste my precious time by asking me 'how are you' because we both know you do not give a shit about me ever since you went apeshit on everyone."

"What makes you think I do not care about you, baby? I still care about you and love you endlessly." Jai lets out a sigh, his brows furrowing.

"You do not care about me, Jai, let alone love me!" I raise my voice, my fist clenching to my sides.

"But I do, I love you, Ariana!" Jai shouts, his facial expression not matching his tone of voice.

I dryly laugh and clap my hands, obviously amused by his fake confession. "You're a terrible actor." He cannot be serious. "That's bullshit. Now stop throwing lies at my face because I do not believe a single word that is coming out of your lips."

"Fine then. I fucked up! I really did, Ariana, and I am aware of that but it wasn't my fault-"

"Don't you dare say 'you did not know what you were doing' because we both knew what you were doing when you were beating the shit out of my Harry!" I spit, flaring my nostrils and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Your Harry? So you're dating him?" He asked, his voice matching the wicked grin spread across his face.

I should have felt something- pain, hurt, embarrassment, something, but I felt nothing. I was numb. Hollow.

"That is none of your business." I decided to keep my response short, limited with any information at all. "Now, I did not come here to drink a few beers, put my feet up, talk about my love life, I came here to know what is going to happen. Now let's cut to the chase and begin talking." I snap.

He grins at my sassy attitude and I break eye contact from him, directing my eyes to my feet.

"Alright... what do you want to know?"

"Everything. Why you acted the way you did on New Years Eve, why you did it, what you thought." I flick a loose strand of hair over my shoulder and flick my tongue on the roof of my mouth as I wait for some answers.

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