Chapter 1 - A Letter To Fight For

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     The Evans family was like any ordinary family, who had many ordinary days. They lived in an ordinary house, with an ordinary car, and an ordinary cat. If there was anything not ordinary, it was immediately fixed. 

     The Evans family consisted of five members. The oldest member was Mr. Evans, the husband of a beautiful wife and the father of two beautiful, and one not so beautiful, girls. Mrs. Evans was a mother of three, and an at home mother, at that. The oldest daughter, Petunia, was a scrawny girl with dirty brown hair and a nasty attitude. She claimed to hate her sisters, though everyone knew it was pure jealousy. Azalea, the second oldest, was considered the wild one of the group. She, unlike her twin sister Lily, didn't think care what people thought of her. This often got her in trouble. Finally, the youngest Evans, Lily. Lily was the clever one, and knew how to use her wit to her advantage.

     The day was like any other day, hot with wild winds. Lily had been sent to get him the mail. Azalea, however, had been sent to the trash. She had left with her nose plugged to keep the stench from reaching her. 

     "Look Azalea! You and I have letters," Lily exclaimed after she had flipped through the mail. She silently held out Azalea's letter, looking at hers with interest. 

     Azalea smirked as she looked at Lily. Both letters were the same, but she liked to have Lily's things. She liked to have what her sister had, because most of the time it was better. She wanted the better letter. 

     Azalea laughed as she snatched the letter Lily was holding, holding it high above her head. She wanted nothing more than to have everything her sister did. Slowly, with that thought, she brought it back down to her eyes. 

     With a quick, precise motion, she ripped the letter open and threw the envelope at Lily. Lily was distracted as she caught the envelope, sitting it gently down on the mailbox. Silently, she looked up to see her twin sister reading the letter.

     "Headmaster Albus Dumbledore and a lot of things about him... he is a first class and a grand sorcerer...anyways, let me continue. 

     "Dear Ms. Evans, we are glad to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will find an enclosed list of necessary books and equipment. Terms begin on September 1, we await your owl no later than July 31. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall. Deputy Headmistress," Azalea read.

     Lily gingerly picked the envelope back up, plucking the list from the its case. She gazed down at all the books names, astonishment glazing in her eyes. 

     "Magic," Lily scoffed silently as Azalea opened her own letter.

     "I got one too! Twin power," she screeched, waving her arms around in the air. 

     "Goodness, honey," Mr. Evans said as he walked out of the door. 

     "What did you give her, Lily," he asked suspiciously. The whole family was aware of the 'no sugar for Azalea' policy. If the rule was disobeyed, they were all punished severely by the way Azalea behaved. 

     "Nothing! We just got these letters about going to a school and I guess she is a little excited," Lily said while covering her ears. Azalea was screaming too loud.

     "Inside voice Azalea," screamed Lily. 

     "Let's go tell Severus," Azalea screamed as she grabbed Lily's arm, dragging her out of the yard. Her parents screams were left ignored. 

     Azalea threw her neighbors door open when they arrived, letting it hit the wall with a loud 'bang'. "I'm sorry Mrs. And Mr. Snape," Lily apologized as they zoomed by. The two adults shook their heads, waving as the twins zoomed past. 

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