Chapter 3 - Can You See

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"And the history of that specific date of time in the wizarding world was quite remarkable-," Professor Binn's, the old ghost who wouldn't give up his profession, droned on. Azalea buried her head into her arms out of pure boredom, doing her best to drown him out. Why did he have to be so boring, anyways? Why couldn't he make history just a bit fun? 

   "Z," Sirius nudged her, "Z, wake up." Azalea muttered something under her breath, not lifting her head up. "Z," Sirius tried again. "Mmm," she hummed, opening her eyes in a daze. She quickly shut them once again, temporarily blinded by the bright light. "Class ended," he nudged her again, "Come on, Z. Get up. We get to take a break now." 

   Azalea lifted her head up slowly, sighing quietly to herself. "Yeah," she muttered sleepily, "I am up."

    "Come on, Z," he whispered softly, "You can get a nap, if you want."

     "No," she shook her head, stretching her arms above her with a long groan. "We need to do that project for-," she yawned abruptly, "Transfiguration," she finished. 

   "What are we doing, again," he continued in a soft voice.

    "A collage," she began gathering her things. Azalea slung her messenger bag over her shoulder, pressing her books to her chest. She stumbled a bit as she walked, Sirius wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her.

    "Right. Of what, again?"

    "Of objects we transfigured. I guess we will add a piece of each object on it to show we didn't just take someone else's pictures." 

   "Right," he nodded, "Are you sure you don't need a nap first? You look sleepy," he brushed a stray hair from her face.

    "No," she shook her head, "I am fine. We just-," she stopped to yawn again, "Need to finish the project. It's due tomorrow. I had completely forgotten about it."

     "Oh," he sulked, "Then I guess we better hurry on it, huh?" 

   Azalea nodded in agreement. "And we have a potion to brew, some chart of constellations for Astronomy, an essay for that last class, and a test in Divination tomorrow."

    "Greatttttt," he sighed, "That's sounds absolutely lovely."

    "We need to go to the library," she reminded him, "We have to do all of our studying in there."

    "That is forbidden grounds," he exclaimed, "Don't make me go!"

   "Siri," Azalea rubbed her face with her hand, "We both have to do good this year. It actually matters this time."


    "Because I am going to be a professor and you are going to have to do something with your life as well. And we need to do good in school for that. Which means we need good grades. And to do that we new to study and do our work."

   Sirius sighed "I know, I know. Don't get all speechy on me," he muttered.

     "Well, if you would actually use your head for once, then maybe I wouldn't have to give you speeches," she snapped at him.

   "Z," Sirius frowned at her, "Z, what's wrong? Why are you acting like this?"

    "I don't know what you mean," she pushed his arm off of her, "I am just trying to knock some sense into your head!" 

   "Azalea," Sirius cried out as she rushed away from him, grabbing her wrist right before she slipped away. He tugged her into his arms, holding her protectively.

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