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"Get the fuck out of my house!" I heard dad yell.

"Let me explain! Please!" Blake pleaded


After some movement dad opened the bedroom door and hugged me.

I was a sobbing mess.

"It's okay, calm down." He held me until I calmed down.

"I'm sorry." I finally made out.

He wiped off my smeared make-up and tears with his thumb.

"Did he try to hurt you something?"

"He scared me."

"What'd he do?"

"He was on top of me."

Dad sighed. "Did her touch you?"


Dad hugged me again then stood up.

"I have to go get Dustin, are you going to be okay by yourself or do you want to come?"

"I'll go with you." I was scared to be alone.

I laid with dad that night, I couldn't sleep though... My head hurt with all my thoughts swirling around.

"Baby, do you want me to stay home?" Dad asked.

"I have Dustin, I'll be fine."

Dad bit his lip. "I don't know Callie."

After hours of talking dad into leaving he finally left me with Dustin.

"Are you okay?" Dustin asked sitting on my bed.

I nodded.

"I talked to him, he wants to talk to you."

"Whatever we had is gone, Dustin."

"Gone or not, when dads here, you need to talk to him."

I stayed silent.

"Please, he's one of my friends too, I can't just leave him out because he scared you."

"Fine, when dad comes home."

Dustin gave that smile that made all the ladies (or men) come running.

Dustin and I hung out the whole day. I missed it just being the two of us.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Dad asked.

Dad had been home for ten minutes and true to my word, I asked Dad if Blake could come over so we could talk.

"You and Dustin will stay in the kitchen and we'll talk in the living room, so you can hear and see what happens."

"Fine, only because he's Dustin's friend.." As dad walked away I heard him add "and because I like him."

So as promised Dustin and Dad we sitting in the counter binging on junk food (like they were waiting in a movie) as Blake walked inside.

Blake knew the deal so he didn't asked about the boys.

"I'm really sorry about the other night." He started

"Why did you do that?" I half blurted

He sighed and ran a hand messing up his dark, already slightly messy hair.


"I don't know, I was going to say something then I didn't and I did that... I wasn't thinking, obviously." He strained a laugh.

I saw dad tilt his head, curiously.

"I'm so sorry Callie, I like you, a lot! Ask Dustin, ask Chase, Ask your dad! Please don't let my stupidity make me lose the best thing that's ever happen to me."

Dad slapped his hand over Dustin's mouth.

I tired not to laugh.

"Your 18 almost 19, you're about to be a dad! Are you sure this is even a little okay?"

"I wouldn't know, I've never played it safe. But I will if it means I have you."

Dad through something at Blake.

I laughed and nodded.


Blake smiled and hugged me.

As we pulled apart from the hug Dustin dumped a gallon of water on Blake.

"DUSTIN I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Blake screamed as Dustin darted out of the house.

I looked at dad who was focused on his phone.


"Callie, I need you to disappear for a few weeks."


"Don't ask, just start packing."

Dad ran into his room with his phone pressed to his ear.

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