Ch. 12

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I walked around the park with Dustin.

"Are you upset?" I finally asked him.

He shrugged. "I'm upset about what happened but.." he trailed off.

"But what?"

He shrugged again.

I sighed as we headed back home.

It was getting cold.

"I'm gonna head to a friends house... tell dad I'll be home before bed." Dustin spoke up.


He kissed my cheek and started walking the other way.

I walked towards the house when it started raining. Freezing rain.

I pulled my light jacket to my body walking closer to home.

"Where's Dustin?" Dad popped up beside me.

"A friends house."

He nodded, putting his jacket on me.

"Wanna go home or stop somewhere?"

I didn't answer.

"Callie I know your upset but I had to."

"No you didn't. You wanted to."

"Callie, you-you don't understand."

"I don't understand what?!"

His jaw tightened.

I kept walking.

"Do you want to keep walking in the rain or do you want a ride."

"Get away from me." I snapped.

"Fine." He walked away.

I walked alone again, I didn't want to go home. I wanted to find mom.

I walked until I found Dustin, downtown, kissing someone.

My jaw dropped.

I tried to contain my squeals.

"Cute huh?"

I turned around.


"Shhh." He put a hand on my mouth. "He'll hear you."

"Do you stalk everyone?"

"No, I'm on a date."


He laughed. "You're to much like your mom, I'm driving Dustin and his date around."

"So you know?"

"Knew. Yea."

"Knew? How-"

"He'll tell you when he's ready."

I nodded.

Dustin walked up to us and I saw he's date better.

"Cal?" Dustin looked panicked.

"Hey." I smiled slightly.

He look at his date then pulled his hand back. His date looked surprised then nervous.

"You to are cute." I smiled.

Dustin look from me to dad.

Dad giggled and walked past the three of us.

I ran to keep up with him.

I wasn't sure where Dustin and his date went but me and dad talked more about the divorce.

I was slowly being okay with it...... I guess.

Dad kissed my cheek as we got to the car.

"I'm sorry about everything." He started.

"You can still your mom, just not very often..."

"What do you mean."

"We're moving."

Callie's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora