Ch. 16

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New York changed me.

I wasn't the care-free girl I was back in Cali... I spent the cold, snowy winter walking around the towns.

I gave up on making friends.

Even at school I was alone.

Dustin made a bully.... so he spent his time at school hiding.

Dad didn't know that Dustin did bad things in his room, dad didn't know that I spent my time locked away in a dark room crying.

I did bad things too.

Dad didn't know. We didn't want dad to know.

"What's up with you two?" Dad asked one night at dinner.

Dustin pretended to eat.
I played with my food.

"Dustin?" Dad asked.

Dustin stayed quiet.

"Callie?" I looked down.

Dad sighed.

"What did I do wrong.... this time." Dad mumbled under his breath.

He got up and went to his room.

"Callie..." Dustin started, "am-am I fat?"


He started crying.

"Why do people say I am then?"

"I don't know."

He sobbed loudly.

I was wondering why dad didn't run out to see what was going on.

Dustin pushed back his plate.

"I hate it here Callie. I wanna go home." He choked out.

"Me too." I busted into tears.

I miss my room, my friends, my school, my family being happy, I miss my home. But that's all gone, it's across the country, and I'm never going back

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