I tapped his shoulder again, my breathing shallow and quick as I stood there. I felt like a child waking up their parent, standing beside their bed, begging them to wake up. Almost like when I was 8 and would throw up and have to wake up my mom.

"Hmm?" He hummed, he felt around in the bed, checking to see if I was there, before turning to me and scrunching up his eyebrows. He looked at me confused, but soon saw the tears falling down my cheeks.

"Hey hey! What's wrong?" I just crawled into his arms and cried as he held me, I was so exhausted, but couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. He rubbed my back, shushing me gently as my sobbing got louder.

We laid like that for a while, his hand gently rubbing my back as I cried, I thought crying would make me extra tired, I hoped it would make it easier to sleep. The sleep after crying is always so peaceful, I wouldn't have chosen to cry, but if I got to sleep peacefully after...

I slowly felt my crying stop, my body too exhausted to cry anymore, I could hardly move. My body was permanently attached to Corpse's, my head on his chest. Everything felt so heavy, like I was in a dream and there was cement blocks on my feet.

One Hour Later

I soon woke up again, Corpse had fallen asleep again, I was glad he was sleeping a lot tonight, I was upset that I couldn't. I would always chose him getting sleep over me, but I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

I let out a quiet huff, my entire body was exhausted, I couldn't check my phone, I couldn't move my body, I just wanted to sleep, so why did my brain keep me awake?

There wasn't anything stuck in my head, there wasn't any anxiety, I wasn't trying to solve any problems. Those are common and keep me awake, but I wasn't experiencing any of that, so why was I still awake?

I laid there quietly, Corpse's small snores filled the silence of the room, every so often waking up, only to fall right back asleep. I wished so desperately to fall asleep too.

"Still awake?" I nodded as he had woken up again, this time enough to talk to me. Tears welled into my eyes as I explained how I felt, even the words felt heavy.

"I'm exhausted, my body is exhausted, my mind is exhausted, I'm so fucking tired. But why can't I sleep? Why won't my mind let me sleep? I deserve it right? Sleep?" I was begging for answers, anything to tell me why this was happening. Not only was I frustrated, I was so upset, I'm supposed to be able to relax and sleep, my one time of the day to be calm as relaxed.

"Can you read to me? Please? Any book is good, please?" The worst part of having sleepless nights wasn't that I was getting so little sleep. It was that I was getting so little sleep, but waking up every 30 minutes. I could deal with getting 3 hours of sleep, but I'm so sick of being asleep for 30 minutes, awake for 2 hours, asleep for 30 minutes.

"Anything." He replied, walking to the bookshelf, I knew he was tired, he knew he was tired. I half-expected him to fall asleep as he read to me, his eyes were definitely closing as he spoke.

I felt myself slip into a light sleep, I could still hear what was going on around me, but I couldn't respond. I heard him continue reading, even after I had fallen asleep, I was so grateful for him.

An Hour Later

"Still?" I whispered as he woke up, I was sitting up in the bed, I had woken up only a few minutes ago, so I hadn't been awake so long. Still, it was sad that I couldn't sleep for a while.

"Sleepless is supposed to be my job!" He joked, putting his arm around my shoulder, rubbing my arm gently. I could've cried, I already did tonight, and I would again, I was way too overtired for this.

I closed my eyes as he leaned me against his lap, my hair gently played with. I wanted so desperately to fall asleep that I couldn't focus on anything, I heard Corpse talking, but prayed he didn't expect a response.

I slowly felt his hand stop playing with my hair, his fingers still laced in my hair, but his quiet snores were enough to tell me he had fallen asleep. He was a tough one, but even the bravest man needs a nap every so often.

I waited until he was in a deep enough sleep for me to move my head, carefully untangling my hair from his fingers, then make my way out the door, going back to the couch.

It felt like hours had passed, I was only pacing the floor. Begging myself to take a break, begging my mind to just let me sleep for a few hours, I would be Golden after that.

Before I knew it, I had tears coming down my cheeks again, I didn't want to cry, but I was so exhausted I couldn't help it.

"Come with me." I sniffled quietly, wiping my tears as I slowly followed him through the house. He brought a small blanket with us, his tall body towering above me as he walked, his hand softly holding me.

"Sit with me." I didn't understand what he was trying to do, so I stood there, looking at him curiously, my tearstained face colder with the air conditioner. We were in his work room.

He picked me up, placed me on his lap, and sat me so my legs were straddling his sides, my face towards his chest.

"Sit with me." He said again, the blanket now wrapped around us, my arms around his back. I sat there, this position was comfortable, being directly against him so soothing, but I didn't understand how this would be any different than being in the bed.

I heard his soft voice filling my ears, a look of confusion filled my face, I turned to see an audio playing, it was him talking.

"It's from when I record and you come in, these are the bits I cut out, our conversations." He explained, a smile fondly left on my face, I nodded, leaning into his chest again.

I listened to the conversations, I remembered a few of them and mouthed them right along with the audio, I heard him mouthing them too, he must listen to this a lot.

I never knew he kept these, or how well they fit together. He must've made this, taken the time just to have this, just for him to hear my voice? What a sweet boy.

I fell asleep slowly, a combination of hearing his voice and feeling him there with me, something flipped a switch in my brain and I fell asleep. Deep enough to dream, deep enough to rest.

5 hours later

I woke up in the same position, the audio now turned off, and Corpse asleep under me. I smiled at the silly boy and woke him up gently, coaxing him into the bedroom.

He softly laid down in the bed, his breath heavier as he hit the pillow, "Let's go to bed, Bub."

I wrapped my arms around him, this time, I held him close to my chest, my eyes already feeling heavier. I was thankful.

"I love you." I heard him whisper, I don't know if he expected me to be asleep already, or if he just wanted to tell me. Either way, my heart was warmed.

"I love you." I replied back, unable to hold back sleep anymore, I fell asleep with the love of my life on my arms. The boy who slept in such an uncomfortable position, definitely hurt his back, just so I would be able to sleep for a few hours.

He deserved the world, he deserved more than that, I was gonna give him it. Until my dying breath, I was going to give him everything he deserved and more.

I definitely didn't deserve such a caring and kind man, but God am I lucky to have him. Nobody else would go to such lengths for this, nobody compares to him.

The love of my life. My only love.

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