"I like this ball." I said.

"Ahh, you like it now. Just wait, it's wicked fast that it's even impossible to see." Wood said.

"Nahh Harry has glasses, that won't be a problem." (Y/N) says jokingly.

"What do I do with it?" I asked Wood.

"You catch it. Before the other team's seeker does. You catch this, the game is over. You catch that Potter, and we win." He said simply.

I rolled the Snitch to my palm as it suddenly sprouted springs. It flew around me and it is fast.


The next day, it was Halloween. We found ourselves sitting in the Charms classroom with our partners while listening to Professor Flitwick. Since there is an odd number in our class, I was paired up with Harry and Seamus while Ron is with Hermione, in which, I am not happy with.

"One of the wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation. The ability to make objects fly." Professor Flitwick says.

On the past weeks, we have been studying about the levitation charm. Starting from its history to the incantation. Last week, Professor Flitwick agreed to make us do the actually spell. I actually like ths Professor.

"Do you all have your feathers?" Professor Flitwick asked us.

Hermione raised hers.

"Good! Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement that we've been practicing." said Professor.

"Swish and flick! Everyone." He said whi,e we grab our wands to do the same thing.

"Swish and flick!" We all said while doing the wand movement.

"Good! And announciate, Wingardium Leviosa!" Professor Flitwick said. "Off you go then."

I looked around to see all my classmates attempting to do the charm.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron chanted as he waved his wand the wrong way.

"No, stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you saying it wrong. It's Levi-o-sa, not Levio-sa!" She said.

(I can literally hear Emma Watson's voice while typing this.)

"You do it then if you're so clever. Go on, go on." Ron said, obviously annoyed.

Hermione did the hand movement while saying the spell.

"Wingardium Leviosa ". After she said that, the feather started to fly.

"Oh well done! See here everyone! Miss Granger's done it! Splendid!" Professor Flitwick praised Hermione while Ron just looked annoyed.

I looked at my feather then did the same thing as Hermione did.

"Wingardium Leviosa". It worked!

"Oh look! Mr. (L/N) has done it too! Oh well done!" said Professor Flitwick to me and Hermione looked at each other and smiled.

Just then, I heard Seamus say the words. But he said the words wrongly.

"Wingard Leviosa. Wingard-" Seamus was cutted off by the explosion. I coughed and turned to see Seamus all covered in soot.

"Professor, I think we need another feather." Harry said as the class burst into laughter.

After Charms, we have lunch. Me, Harry, Ron, Seamus, and Dean were walking together while Ron was imitating Hermione.

" 'It's Levi-o-sa, not Levio-sa' honestly she's a nightmare. No wonder she hasn't got any friends." Ron said while the others laugh except for me and Harry.

The Philosopher's Stone (Hermione Granger x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now