Chapter 22

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Nicki woke up before her alarm and went to the college kitchen and fixed Drake some hot tea with honey even though he wasn't up she fixed him some eggs and bacon and some toast she dreamed of being a housewive one day.

She puts the food on a tray and walks to the room she places the tray on her side of the bed.

She crawls onto him and kisses all over his face and then his lips making him wake up and kisses her back.
She hands him the tray.

Drake:"Thank you...Nicki im fine I don't need anymore tea."
Nicki:"Take your pills and shut up"
She hands him two cold pills and a bottle of water.

Drake gulps his pills.
Drake:"What time is it?"

Nicki sits on the bed next to him.
Nicki:"I need to apply for a job on campus maybe starrbucks you too because I only have 700 in my account and its gonna go fast my mom paying for my dorm so I don't have to worry about that but everything else I need a car you already have one."

Drake:"Stop worrying we gonna get through this together trust me okay."
He reaches to kiss her Nicki moves away.

Nicki:"UH,UH GO BRUSH YOUR youuu."
Drake:"Why are you dressed and up so early."

Nicki:"I don't know I woke up early"
Drake sits the tray outside the door and goes to get ready.

8'o clock appeared and Drake had grabs Nicki hand.
Nicki:"Where are you taking me.....class?? I don't have my backpack!! PAPIIIIIIIII."

Drake grabs her butt and kisses her neck and whisper to shutup.
Nicki gulps and says okay.

When Drake and her get downstair Nicki was in the middle of talking but she saw Rih's bag.

Nicki:"That look just like Rih's bag."
Drake smiles.
Drake:"Look again Nicki...."
Nicki:"She can't be here though remember."

Nicki starts to cry in tears of joy.
Nicki:"How'd you get here"

Drake:"I got my ways."
Nicki jumps on him and kisses him hard and he grabs her butt.

Nicki:"I love ya papi."
Drake:"I love you too...But we gotta go to the front and get Rih's was weird to know why they didn't let her in though because she has the same classes we do."

Nicki jumps on Rih's back.
Drake grabs Rih's stuff and takes it to Nicki and Her room.
He comes downstairs and get Rih a key and hands it to her.

Drake:"Stop thanking me Onika its fine thats what I'm here for to make you happy right?"
Nicki jumps off of Rih's back.
Rih:"Ima go to Justin's room.....he gonna be surprised if you know what I mean kidd."

Nicki:"Ewww....go on girl"
Drake:"Tell Justin I said Wasssssuhhh."

Nicki and Drake reach their dorm.
Nicki kisses Drake but Drake pins her to the wall and kisses her he puts his hands in her pants and grabs her butt Nicki moans.

Drake bites his lip and Nicki had said softly.
Nicki:"Thank youuu."
Drake lifts her up and places on the bed he grinds on her.

Drake takes off Nicki clothes and He takes off his.
30 min.

Nicki and Drake walked to Nicki and Rih's dorm.
Drake had helped her move her stuff back into her room.

Nicki didn't even know she had a second bed because Drake had placed all her stuff onto it when she first got here but now they had to put all her and Rih's stuff into the closet and the dresser.

Drake sits on Nicki's bed and Nicki and Rih are on Rih's Bed.
Drake:"What yall doing today."
Nicki:"Rih was telling me we should do a double date."

Drake:"Nicki....You know-"
Nicki:"Yea Yea I know you don't like all that lovey dovey shit........asshole."
Nicki:"But you all lovey dovey with me"
Nicki:"Anyways Rih my mom wanted to see you and your mo-"
Drake had grabbed Nicki.

Nicki:"I love youuuu."
He places her down and she smiles and murmurs 'asshole'.
Rihanna laughs and Nicki laughs and purrs.
Rihanna:"No but forreal what we doing today."

Nicki:"Mall?? We could still eat but it won't be like a double date where we just stare at eachother and be LOVEY DOVEY according to Aubrey."
Drake:" gonna stop calling me asshole...with your bougie ass."

Nicki:"I ain't bougie."
Drake:"Okay Onika."
Nicki sticks the middle finger at him.
Drake:"Oh so you wanna play?"
He got on top of Nicki started messing with her.

Justin had bursted through the door.
Nicki:"How you got in here"

Justin:"The door was unlocked."
Justin had grabbed Rih and kissed her they were on the other side of the room and Drake and Nicki were on the left.

Nicki:"No bruh leave me alone you play too much I said stop calling me bougie I was playing with you at first bruh stop ...leave me alone Aubrey.GOD YOUR SO ANNOYING I-"Nicki has her arms crossed.

Rih and Justin are laughing at Nicki
Drake:"SHUTTTTT UPPPP with your beautiful, sexy, big booty having self."
Nicki finds herself blushing and smiling.

Drake gets closer to her and lifts up her chin and she pecks his lips gets up and starts twisting to the fridge to get a water bottle.

Nicki takes two sips from the water bottle.
Nicki:"See this why I can't stay mad at you."
Drake:"You know you love me regardless.....Now gimme that water."

He slaps her butt and grabs the water bottle and finishes it off.
Nicki:"Thirsty Much?"
Drake:" come here."
Nicki gets on his lap and kisses him she looks back at Rih and Justin.

Nicki:"So what are we doing today."
Rih:"The mall like we said."
Nicki looks at Drake and Justin and they nod.
Nicki:"Okayy....Lets Ride Then."
Nicki grabs Drake's keys.

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