I roll my eyes and decide to just ignore his snarky comment. "I honestly don't know." I quietly mumble, unsure of my feelings of this whole situation. "I really am sorry though because I care about you and have feelings for you too." I try to explain.

His face turns cold and emotionless as he stares blankly at my face, avoiding eye contact. "And I could honestly care less about this whole thing Jessica!" He says frustrated. "For all I care, you two can bump nasties with each other in the freakin locker room." He says exasperated. "You are so frustrating with your whole push and pull act. Make up your damn mind already!" He says, raising his voice.

"Because it is not okay for you to be messing around with two guys at the same time. It really does make you seem like quite the slut!" He shouts angrily. My mouth falls agape at his harsh words and my eyes start to burn from the inevitable tears that are forming in my eyes.

"I know it's wrong for me to talk to two guys at once and that's why I'm trying to figure out which one I want to continue talking to. I'm just extremely confused and I apologized for my behavior. Now, I'm fully aware that it's just an apology and everything won't be all handy dandy, but calling me a slut was completely unnecessary, especially because last time I checked, my virginity was still in tact!" I angrily shout while stepping closer to Xavier.

"Well at the rate your going, it won't be for long!" He shouts back at me, taking a step towards me as well.

I just stand there, in front of him, shocked. Did he really just say that to me? How could he be such a jerk? Did I really want to date this just moments before? All these questions rush to my head as I stand there with my jaw resting on the ground, appalled.

"Wow, you are quite the tool." I say, my voice surprisingly even, as I blink back the tears. "Like I care what you think of me." He bites back. "So... Why the sudden jerkiness?" I ask him nonchalantly, hiding my emotions fairly well.

"Well, it may be the fact that you can't make up your freakin mind and now I have to attend school with you and Marcus!" Xavier shouts at me.

He takes a deep breathe and pinches the bridge of his nose and stressfully lets out a long huff. "I'm just currently going through a really rough time right now and your just adding to my stress." He pauses and clears his throat while looking away from me, seeming so vulnerable. I pause for a moment, taking this time to process his words.

"Xavier, is everything okay?" I question him, getting concerned. "I'm sorry that I'm adding to your stress and all, it's just I can't help but be confused on this whole situation and not know what to do. I'll try to get this all straightened out soon, but in the mean time, I don't know what else to tell you." I say.

"Everything is fine, not that it's any of your damn business, and like I said before, I can honestly care less about this whole scenario!" He snaps at me, making me get frustrated with him, once again. "Geesh, bipolar much?" I bite back at him.

"Whatever, just get the hell away from me and live your stupid happily ever after with Marcus." He shouts at me. "You know, you guys are perfect for each other, you really are. Both of you are the most selfish, inconsiderate, irritating, and thoughtless people I have ever endured and I am truly excited to rid myself off your guys's company!" He says irritated.

The tears that I once fought back, refusing to let him see me cry at his words, are now flowing freely down my cheeks. "And you, Xavier, are the most heartless, manipulative jerk I have ever met!" I shout angrily back at him. My features set in a scowl.

"How am I manipulative?" He asks me astonished, his mouth hanging wide open. "Your manipulative because you tricked me in to believing that you weren't that bad of a guy and that we were actually friends. That you actually had feelings and cared about me, and to think that I was actually dumb enough to let you in, despite me not knowing you very long." I yell at him. "But hey, that's what I get for being so naive, right?" I ask incredulously.

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