•Chapter 19•

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That awkward moment when you track down a really hot dude to apologize to him, but instead you find him sucking face with some random girl... Don't you just hate it when that happens? Because I sure do!

I feel incredibly stupid right now. But then again, I suppose it's only fair for him to suck face with her, after all the times he's caught me and Marcus swapping spit before. It's just, I still can't help but feel insanely jealous. Is this how Xavier feels when I kiss Marcus and vice versa? Because if so, this really sucks and I truly deserve a harsh slap in the face!

It's not like I own him or anything and we were never officially going out, but I just really want to rip out this chick's weave right now! My stomach is churning in jealousy and it is not a very pleasant feeling, let me tell you.

My mind flashes back to all of the recent events that have occurred in my life. This whole situation is just so crazy, and kind of funny if you think about it. You know, in a 'my life really sucks' kind of way.

I may or may not be going crazy because next thing I know, I'm laughing. And it's not a subtle little 'ha ha', but more like an obnoxious loud 'BAHAHAHA' laugh.

I honestly didn't think I had it in me. I mean, the laugh is a hardcore, knee slapping, and six pack growingly laugh. And the funny part is that the thing that is amusing me so much, is how painfully pitiful my life is. I'm laughing at how much my life sucks.

I'm seriously questioning my sanity. Like, I think I may honestly be crazy. You know, like the type of crazy that ends people up in a patted room...

My laughing must have interrupted their little make out sesh because Xavier and his prostitute are now looking at me. Xavier looks confused and a bit shocked, while his little toy glares at me.

"Sorry for interrupting you two love birds. I just wanted to talk to Xavier here, but I see that his mouth is a little, uhh, preoccupied." I laugh out. "Well, I'll be going now. Bye bye now." I awkwardly mumble, the laugh wearing out.

I turn away from them and start to walk away. After a couple of steps, I change my mind, and abruptly change my choice in direction. I walk back to Xavier and decide on telling him why I was looking for him. After all, I did come all the way out here and I'll be damned if it were for nothing.

"I just wanted to apologize for earlier, and tell you that I have given our argument a lot of thought. I have finally realized how wrong I am. But I see that it obviously hasn't affected you much considering the fact that you were just getting 'it' on with your little toy mere moments before." I say while pointing to the random chick.

"Now I'll be going... F'real this time..." I grumble with an emotionless expression plastered on my face. I feel like I'm almost drunk, my eyes even a little droopy from the hardcore blank expression I hold.

I try my best to hide away all of the hurt and jealousy I'm feeling right now. It's not like this is his first time with me catching him making out with some chick though right? After all, there was the party and now this. Sure, she came onto him and he was shocked or whatever, but when I'd first seem them, he didn't look like he was putting up that much of a fight. Plus, it doesn't help that everyone was a little tipsy at the time.

Right then and there, it should've clicked that he was a player to me. But it didn't and I am just now putting the puzzle pieces together.

Like seriously though, how dumb can I get. He's so attractive that it's almost distracting, he's freakishly smooth with his words, he's extremely confident and arrogant, and every normal teenaged girl would be attracted to him like a magnet. He's a guy, so he isn't very well with controlling all of his many hormones.

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