"I'm not alone. I've got my friends and family. For that I'm very blessed."

"As sweet as that is, I'm talking about romantic companionship. Don't you miss having someone to love?"

"I tried that once. You know how it turned out."

"Georgie isn't Lucky Santino."

"No one is."



"How do you feel about Georgie?"

"We're not having this conversation."

"Really? Because it sounds like we are."

"It's over."

"It's just begun."

Feeling restless, Jaden started peeling the label from her root beer. "Damn it, Max. I told you years ago that I wasn't getting romantically involved with anyone ever again and I meant it." Cerulean eyes filled with tears. "You don't think I want someone that I can love? Sometimes I lie awake at night wishing that I had someone to hold on to, but since I irrevocably fucked up during my college years, I can't afford to have that.  

"From what you've told me, you used drugs as heavily as I did, but you were fortunate enough to come out of it unscathed and now you have a husband and two beautiful children. Congratulations to you Max, but I can never have that and it's all my fault. I just can't!" She stood with such force that her chair skittered across the pavement. Storming toward the flight of stairs, which would take her to the private beach, Jaden headed down them as her friend hurried after her.

Max managed to catch up with her by the time she reached the shore, collapsing into the dampened sand and not caring that the seat of her pants were now grainy and wet. Max kneeled on her left side while she wiped away the tears with a hand. Jaden's voice sounded hoarse when she apologized.

Shaking her head, Max remorsefully replied, "I'm the one who should be apologizing, Jaden. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just love you so much and I wish that you would be open to the idea of sharing your life with someone." She rubbed Jaden's back through her cotton shirt. "HIV doesn't mean that you're not allowed to have someone to hold at night."

"It's better this way."

Resigned, Max nodded. "Okay."



"I love you too."

After Georgie knocked, a mini Jaden answered the door within thirty seconds. Dimples deep enough to use for cups shone as the little girl smiled up at her. She greeted Georgie like they were old friends, pulling her inside the house.

"You gotta be Georgie." When she smiled again, the blonde woman noticed that one of her front teeth was missing. "My Auntie showed me your picture. She called you pretty and she wasn't lying."

Though she smiled back, Georgie arched a curious brow. It wasn't her imagination. There was more to those words than a compliment. She could have been wrong, but wasn't eight too young to be flirting? "Well thank you, Bell."

The little one looked extremely pleased. "You know my name!"

"Yes, I do. Saw your picture too and you are quite the beautiful young lady."

"Thanks. Are you single?"

Now she's picking me up? "Um, yes." Scanning the living room, Georgie didn't see her friend anywhere.

"My Auntie's single too. Mommy says that she needs a girlfriend." Her head cocked to the side, serious blue eyes performed a quick inspection of Georgie. "Are you a lez bean?"

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