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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽ unexpected reunion ☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

"Bubbleheaded idiots."

Mumbling to herself, Lorna walked away from a big family's stall with her hands full, glancing at the two lanky men walking by her side. She exhaled slowly and fixated her look on the ground.

The object around her neck was suffocating her, even though it wasn't unbearably tight around it. The chain wasn't as warm and welcoming as the beloved necklace that she wore from the moment it was gifted to her, it was cold and sent chills down her spine. It was a sign that she belonged to someone. She was a slave. She barely enjoyed her freedom when she found herself trapped. Again.

If she didn't behave the way her master wanted her to, he would threaten to send her to the mist. The mysterious and intimidating green mist. She loathed the man who she belonged to but feared the mist at the same time. She saw what happens when someone enters the mist with her own eyes. They disappear and never come back.

Lorna had been there for a few months, and it had been about two weeks since she set her mind to run away. Unfortunately, her master, Governor Gumpas kept a close eye on her, even when she was sent to buy supplies. Every time she thought she was alone, a guard was nearly always near her.

The moment she decided to run away, she thought of her red-haired friend, and by the end of that day, she came up with a plan. She wondered what Ellie would advise her and presumed that the redhead would use her strength or acuteness to her advantage. Lorna didn't consider herself as much a fighter and acute as Ellie was, but she was an excellent healer. That meant that she knew plants very well.

It took the girl days to get a hold of the supplies that she would need to create a sleeping potion, but when she finally had all the ingredients, she didn't hesitate to take action. Mumbling insults aimed at the guards that accompanied her to the market as usual, she entered the kitchen of the huge house she was kept in to prepare a meal for dinner.

Governor Gumpas made one mistake. When Lorna was alone in the kitchen, nobody was watching her. He surely didn't expect the girl to work on a sleeping potion next to his dinner. But that is exactly what she did. She used the passionflower, skullcap, catnip, valerian root and milky oats that she dried and the alcohol that she would pour into the man's glass during dinner, and combining the ingredients, she poured it back into the bottle of the alcohol to avoid suspicion. And this was the second time she worked on the potion that day, which meant that it went so much quicker and easier. She already slipped the first brew she made during lunch into the drinks of the guards around the house.

Lorna used another quality of hers that Ellie wasn't able to use that often. The brunette was extremely patient. She waited days, weeks to execute her plan, due to the fact that she wanted to be sure that her plan would work perfectly.

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